Soar as full alternative for dragon riding

That is rather than partially hampered as it, imo, still kind of is.

It’s been extremely fun (and while the Emerald Dream chapter doesn’t have great reactivity, it has some of the quests where being able to soar fulfills the fantasy of playing a drac the absolute best). And that it’s been implemented in both Nokhud and most overworld quests is nice.

However there’s spots I feel could be minorly improved/have that integrated further

  • Amirdrassil, if you’re going to break the rules to allow dragon flying, then extending the courtesy to soar feels like a no-brainer (having to hastily open collections halfway through Tindral did not enhance the experience)

  • Dragon races, seriously. I sincerely doubt the extent to which it’s such an advantage especially given the nonsense that was once listed as excuses for why fixing soar would make dracs op. Some of the mechanic is clearly implemented to some extent (MSQ has a few “fly through rings” quests even setting aside the soar tutorial).

  • A few story instances feel like they should allow soar/dragonriding to progess now that it’s an option in old world areas (there’s no danger or urgency that feels like it should force anything - thinking about the Jade Forest part of the blue storyline for example) but this is basically nitpicking compared to the above


I found more issues which don’t work as expected:

  • Stay mounted while gathering ore/herbs
  • Start soar while swimming isn’t working
  • Transition to ground riding in no-fly areas does not work

I sort of treat the hover as ground riding but admittedly for that to work well it should probably have a significantly reduced CD out of combat (maybe not consume chanrges out of combat?)

They really should remove the 10sec CD for Soar

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I think the CD is ok, because that’s what the CD is on mounts. Soar isn’t supposed to be better than mounts.

On the upside, if you really need to fly before the 10 seconds is up you can alternate Soar with dragonriding as they are on separate CDs.

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Removing the CD would not make it better than regular mount since it automatically cancels when landing.

Mounts have no CD and there is literally no reason for a 10sec CD.

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I can think of 1.

There literally is, because that’s about how long it takes to recharge a vigor and you essentially get a free one every time you take off in soar.

For a '‘mount’ that dismount you every time you land it’s a fair trade.

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Just halving the cd would help a lot.

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Gosh I wish it wouldn’t dismount me when landing.

I would sacrifice the launch if it made it just a normal mount tbh

And some of us wouldn’t.

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I like the launch and even the fact that we dismount when landing. My Evoker immediately turns to Visage when landing and I find it satisfying.

But yeah the 10sec CD is so stupid. It just adds micro annoyances while questing when you have to wait 5 sec to fly again.

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Make a bind that incorporates both soar and a regular dragonriding mount so if soar is on cd, it will mount you up on a regular mount

How dare you create rational solutions for irrational problems?

It ruins dragon RP immersion to do that!!!11!!1!

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I am pretty happy with Soar as it is now. Wish it worked on that one fight in Amirdrassil though.

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That’s just bad game design if you need another mount to keep going.

I won’t argue about this more. It’s not fun period. The dismount is already a major flaw it doesn’t need more.