So...about kick bots

Now i can be fabulous in red and blue.

Triggered Kickbotter?

Kickbotter that makes regular PVP vids that would out him?


I have no problem admitting when I’m being out skilled, just like I also have no problem noticing when the same people I’m fighting always interrupt before I can even see the cast bar or a single tick of damage on a channeled spell such as Eye Beam. No one has the skill to do it several times in a row that fast. Especially when you try something at a time they wouldn’t expect and it still gets insta-kicked.

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Itrs perfectly OK to do…I asked.

Anyone who has to cheat in a PVP game is just admitting that they aren’t good enough, and deserves to be banned and ridiculed.


At least blizzard does something about cheaters/hackers.

Battlefront 2
Fallout 76
Anything by EA or Ubisoft they dont do Jack about hackers and they run rampant.

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I do decent amount of pvp and ive seen little to no kick botters. Pretty sure people are overreacting. Last time kick botting was rampant was wod

We recently completed a wave of suspensions for World of Warcraft accounts that were found to be operating third-party software that undermines the security of the World of Warcraft client. Reverse engineering and bypassing security protocols that safeguard against client modification is a clear violation of our Terms of Service, and we regularly take action against such behavior.

Many of the suspensions issued were for 180 days, as the exploit we detected allows for very malicious activities such as gameplay automation or rotation/interrupt botting…

^ That is a quote from a blue post a few days ago.

That quote also just included what could be in what they banned from rp servers. When has blizzard ever told the truth. They banned a mod and said people were abusing it. Only to retract and un ban nearly every person. U want proof go to botting forums. Usually in uproars when blizz does ban waves. This case i believe its a get good situation

It has nothing to do with how good or bad I am. I know I’m not a great PVPer and I also know I’m slower than a lot of people with my own interrupts. That doesn’t make my argument here any less valid. Like I said before, when someone is able to kick my casts literally instantly, over and over, to the point where I don’t even see my cast bar or Eye Beam doing a single tick of damage, it is 99.9% probable they are using a 3rd party software to identify and kick my casts faster than humanly possible.

I didn’t come make a post because I got killed once by a better player and he was on the ball with his kicks. I came after running into 3 players in a week that could do it over and over, never even allowing time for a juke or a tick of damage. Two of these same people were also running Adaptation. Neither of the three were very good and one was a Paladin that was literally laughable bad. I rarely beat pallies, but I ate him alive. What are the chances of that? Even the pros that I run into that slaughter me while barely taking damage will fall for a juke sometimes or at least I will get a bit of an Eye Beam off, but these bad PVPers just happen to have superhuman reflexes. Right.

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Aaaand they’re back.

Had to report a Warrior in one of my 2’s matches earlier today.

My partner and I knew that we weren’t going to win against it, so instead used the time to verify.

Whenever my Mindgames cast reached 99.9%, the Warrior would use Spell Reflect. When cancelling the cast at 95%, he wouldn’t activate reflect. No matter what else was going on around him at the time, Spell Reflect would only activate upon completion of my Mindgames cast.

Similarly, his bot would only kick my Warlock partner’s fear. Juking was impossible as it would activate immediately.

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lol nobody uses bots in WoW

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I haven’t encountered a kick bot in years and years.

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Bots arent real! This is all fake news!

Don’t recall saying that. They’re just relatively rare these days.

I’ve only seen it in one game so far, so at least it doesn’t seem to be wide-spread.

Same. That was until yesterday.

I regularly get windsheared in arenas in maybe 10ms at most after starting to cast mindgames. The castbar will briefly flicker on my screen for a few frames and then its gone.

It’s frustrating as all heck, but I didn’t think anything about it because I was under the impression that the kickbot problems were solved awhile back. My recent arena experiences are starting to make sense if this thread is accurate.

even more irritating are the peeps using scripts to stopcast whenever an interrupt is detected

strangely I see this on dps way more than on healers