So...about kick bots

So is it basically OK now to run a kick bot in WPVP? Kind of like we’re not supposed to, but…‘wink, wink, nudge, nudge’? The reason I’m asking is because I’m seeing more and more people using them lately, and TBH, if everyone else is going to have automated 10 ms kicks, so do I. It was bad enough when I was naturally just slower than 75% of people, but now it’s just absurd. lol


Of course it’s not ok.

Blizzard really has a frustrating process for going after cheaters. Some of it I personally agree with but it can still be frustrating.
You report
They investigate
They figure out how to detect and break the bot
Then they see who else is using the bot
Eventually the ban a lot of people

All that takes a lot of time.
And they give absolutely no feedback to the player who reported it. And if the bot is not detectable by them… that completely sucks.


There really are a lot of people using kickbot recently, across all aspects of PvP.

All you cheaters out there: prepare your nether regions for a giant, unlubed banhammer. Because it’s coming for you.


Except from what I understand here lately is that they rarely ever actually ban an account, and instead just give them a relatively short suspension.

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It’s not worth using a kick bot for WPvP with the risk of a suspension ,


I like when you are ganking someone and you can tell when they’re going to cast one of their spells so you’re ready and immediately kick them. And after you finish them, they log factions to tell you they’re going to report you for cheating.


I havent encountered this.


Sounds like someone got kicked and ganked.


Apparently this is real and Blizzard is taking action on it:

That was for nude mods not kick bots lol how I know is because one of my friends were in this ban wave xD

The blue post says, in part:

“[R]otation/interrupt botting” sounds like kick botting to me.


ahh well didnt see that part my b xD

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Wonder if people are getting reported for being good at interrupting.


They probably looked at me and said, “That’s no bot kicker he’s too damn slow.”


You aren’t capable of kicking faster than a bot. Apparently they interrupt so quickly, the caster can’t even cancel the cast. It’s basically an insta-kick the moment the cast begins. Humans simply aren’t that fast. Even if you had the fastest reflexes known to man, it wouldn’t matter if you were erroneously reported. They were going after people with the 3rd part software that modified the game files. So no software on your machine, no risk of suspension.


Thats good i havent encountered anyone using kickbots before. But im also not a caster so idk

I haven’t run into it either, but I’ve seen a few posts in the different forums about them. I don’t get why someone would want to risk their account like that, but people do.

Esp old accounts like mine. I would never wanna risk it.

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i’m so slow at kicking, i miss the first cast and insta-interrupt the second cast when it starts on complete accident.