Put in an alternate dimension/universe. And we got a blizzard story ready to hit the presses.
I don’t believe it. Blizzard lies.
Par for the course! If they’re blaming the jailer for making her burn Teldrassil too, that could go ahead and undo her badness from bfa.
Like how they decided Sargeras sword stuck in Azeroth is no longer urgent because reasons.
Or the WoD timeline was an alternate universe so no implications there.
I’m not fluent in MoP. For Wrath, I feel like Arthas gained sumpathy resurrecting his childhood horse and holding on to Jaina’s locket,
Cataclysm, we all got used to Barrens having a fiery canyon, and Deathwing’s kid that we met in Legion was a nice guy.
Burning Crusade, not fluent. Why’d we have to fight Illidan and why’s he our friend now? I watched the black temple story on youtube and seemed like everyone was a treasonous bastard all the way.
Classic felt like a hodgepodge of baddies and Hogger eats Old Blanchy.
That glowing chasm in Westfall will probably be the end of us all.
$10 says she takes the jailers place and somehow restores the souls lost
The OP is misrepresenting the datamined dialogue. They are acting that WoWheads theory about who the dialogue is about is 100% reality. Even though stepping back and taking the quotes into context shows that WoWhead are wrong about their theory that it is referring to Zovaal.
I’m sure people will dismiss this as the Jailer making you say it (since I guess this is the new “Candlejack” level meme or something), but you’re making a lot of sense here.
ROTFLMAO I can see the new Disney mode of Sylvanas and Anduin riding on a magic carpet singing a whole new Azeroth
Little did everyone know, the Jailer had been practicing his perfect Sylvanas impression since Warcraft III and was super hype when Sylvanas ended up jumping off of Icecrown. He could finally put it to use and have her running around for a decade. Sure fooled us.
10 says she takes the jailers place and somehow restores the souls lost
Old Blanchy coming home!
it’s just lazy writing by Danuser imo. He won’t take risks (lack of confidence), and I don’t think he’s creative enough to introduce new, impactful characters (ie. every shadowlands character).
i hate to come off as harsh, but there’s really no other way to put it. he might be one of the big ego folks that won’t listen to anyone else either…reminds me a lot of the guy that was the original Diablo 3 head dev.
Hopefully he doesn’t force us to care about the story anymore via renown/pathfinder systems, I just want the gameplay to be good at this point
I for one vote to have no faith nor confidence in Danuser.
Too bad they won’t take his story crayon away yet.
Whoa, wait. The entire time?
So her hate for Genn, when she told the plague dude to keep making plague even though Garrosh ordered her to stop, when she was trying to enslave the Val’kyr queen to make more forsaken because supposedly she was trying to ensure her people’s future?
the entire time. I guess Zovaal’s way more interesting than I thought, and Sylvanas is super duper really boring.
New dialogue on the PTR reveals that the story they’re going with is that Sylvanas has been dominated
That dialog is not about the Jailer. It’s about her time under the Lich king / Arthas and suddenly breaking free (which was legit old school Scourge mind control, back then).
Random mage running by giving you int?
The jailer
Taurajo? The Jailer…
I knew it!
Well this throws a gut wrench thing in my ultimate theory that the fabric of existence is corrupted and that we’re all trapped in the matrix so Sylvanas must set us all free.
So we can confirm that Sylvanas was under some kind of external influence. OK, I can live with that…
Who is the Jailer and why did he go to prison?? What did he do? Does he have any sort of valid point in going against creation?
More questions. Ugh.
I wouldn’t bother trying to correct them. The damage is already done since people like to read the OP then reply. Just like how people only read the headline and maybe the first sentence of a “news” article.
Okay, so I’ve tried to figure something out.
Sylvanas was under the effects of at least two different mind controls at at least one point in time.
And… both not only existed, she broke free of one, Arthas, however could not break free of Zovaal.
Last I checked, dual mind control is not a thing really? How did BOTH Arthas AND Zovaal simultaneously mind control Sylvanas? AND not interfere with each other’s mind controls?
Such as, in game, A Priest Mind Controlling a character, MC with another different Priest and it breaks the first MC.
This does not seem to be logically thought out. At ALL.
Hogger is actually the Jailer. You just weren’t paying attention.
I don’t remember the exact moment I wrested control.
Her sad lingering look to Anduin…his purity gave her the strength she needed to break free from the lazy plot device #246. hence why she must save him >_>; Or something. Danuser needs smacked in the face with a limp herring.