Does our cooldown shorten if we do?
Cause right now this change is absolutely bonkers to think money and time was spent on this.
25 second CD increase (20 seconds to 45 seconds) on Dragon Charge baseline for less than double its current damage.
Replaces heroic leap:
- Massive mobility reduction
- Still uses a PvP slot
- IF talented, still has a longer cooldown (20 seconds to 30 seconds)
They did this to give Fury and Arms dragon charge, when all they needed to do was make it a choice node in warrior tree and remove barbarian. (so fury didn’t have the ability to use it twice, though that would have been amazing). So they nerf Prot warrior’s use with 0 compensation.
“Oh but you can turn now” why? didn’t need to.
“Oh but you can cancel it now” why? to lower my mobility? because the CD is the same.
“Oh but you can use it to interrupt” Ok, I had that before…on a 20 second CD
They give everyone a gimp version of it with longer CD and leave it a pvp talent.
Why do you pay someone to kill a talent for you blizz? why do you waste time and energy on* ridiculous changes like this? I hope that I am 100% wrong on this and it won’t just be a trashed talent like 90% of your pvp talents are in this game. I hope people find creative ways to make this worth it.
In case peeps don’t get it, Dragon Charge isn’t the issue here, hell with it, its a choice they made. Its this type of wasteful changes that are exactly why this game and to a large degree this game’s pvp is so down in the dumps. decisions to make things worse than they need to be, to limit, restrict, and remove player choices.