So you cant upgrade m+ items you get before 9.0.5

And they will have some 220+ gear via the great vault. Do a 10 and you get 220 from the GV. Do a 12 and you get 223. Do a 14 and you get 226. You’ll be able to farm up 213 gear, and while doing so you’ll be getting 220 pieces via the great vault.

15’s are very much in reach of 213 geared characters. Particularly now that most of our soulbinds are opened up.

three of my m+ group got SD keys on tuesday


My key was SD. I just dont hate myself enough today to run it. If you see me in SD on a tyrannical weak its because I decided I do hate myself enough that day.

That being said, I finally got my last 15 done today. TEEHEE. DoS. Dont even care that it just had 2 mins added, or the nerfs. RaiderIO also annoyed me because it updated over night with my 8 second over from last week…but with the extra 2 mins.

So all week rIO has stated I had em all done.

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grats!! it’s a super cool mount.

yea it was super weird that it updated to show people as timed, but the game didn’t officially consider them timed if they were done pre-timer-nerf.

I dropped mine to a 15 to just run it for the vault. it wasn’t as bad as last week :confused: storming in SD stinkssss

and necrotic. I’m not a psychopath (most of the time), so I won’t touch that dungeon on necrotic weeks.

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Theres no limitations. Its just blizz being lazy.

This won’t effect me since unlike bfa I’m unable to get into shadowlands mythics but I do see how many are and will be pissed off.

Theres already numerous upgrade systems in game. The legion one, the covenant upgrades system. All they have to do is copy the system, change a little coding to say valor and paste it over. Its not rocket science.

This is just blizz creating problems upon problems as usual. Nothing new.

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Even in BFA season 4, which was arguably one of the easiest times to get KSM, only about 10% of the playing base had it. And that was a time when people could 3 man an M15. Right now M15 timed carries are going for a bare minimum of 500K gold, with a lot of carry groups charging 700K+ based on how hard they are to complete, and these are geared, top tier players who know what is going on.

Players who are not that good or don’t have the gear simply won’t get KSM without surpassing the gear you get from it, and this will include the 220 upgrade stuff. A good number of people on these forums seriously over estimate the skill level of players in this game and how hard some content is for them.

I even see people who struggle to get even one normal raid boss kill, and the first boss in pretty much every raid is about as easy content as you are going to get.

Again, you’re underestimating how many people are capable of doing 15’s, but really don’t want to do that annoying key, whether it’s Sanguine Depths, Shrine of Storms or whatever the Broken Shore dungeon was called.

If I looked at my BFA key stats, I’d probably have like 10-15 Freeholds done for every Shrine.

Maybe not everyone will get KSM, but not everyone will get Rival this season, or CE. Time marches onwards regardless.

Which is fine. Ultimately the GV is supposed to be where the best M+ loot comes from.

The loot upgrade system is there to provide some consistency in loot (i.e. not being able to get a usable Cube unless it’s from your GV) and provide M+ players with some sort of progression beyond simply praying for GV drops.

It’s not the first time they have done something like this. You are going to be running them until you hit your valor cap every week, so between that and the vault you will be able to get replacements to upgrade soon enough.

Tbh i got at 217 because i didnt care about getting KSM, i mostly run my keys or the ones from a friend i run with mostly so we didnt get the keys to get KSM while we were pushing.

But as i said i did +16’s and+15’s with only 211, so yeah i would say with 213 KSM is a easy cake.

I dont think im near the top, but sometimes i kinda get arrogant and think i am but not because im a great player but because most players in this game are REALLY BAD.

At the end any player looking to get the achievements to upgrade their loot gonna be able to do it, ilvl won’t be stopping them.

For starters you are from Frostmourne, you have one of the best for both PVE and PVP servers in the entire game. Like for sure your server would be top 20 world going against every other server in every other country including TW, KR and CN. You are for sure overestimating the skill of players.

Like your guild is 7/10M in Nathria, there are 1,003 guilds total in the entire game at this point who have achieved 7/10M in the current raid. And even just looking at your random keys, premades all over. Try do an M15 with some random pug group and you will see a world of difference.

My currency tab is full of long term solutions that I can’t spend anywhere, who are you trying to kid?

What a mess the loot system is. This is not player caused it’s Blizzard caused. I’ve played one hour past 3 weeks and won’t be coming back till they work out what they are doing with this game.
What was so hard about the doing a dungeon/raid and getting loot from it concept that has worked for 15 years? So what if people gear up then you can play alts and have fun doing other stuff.

Trust me, I have ran with so many pug groups that I actually tank and take routes that make no sense to some players is how bad they are, getting KSM at 211 iLVL is a damn good achievement and certainly does put you in with some of the best players in this game.

And that’s what the CEO calls player engagement!

Not to sidebar but man do I miss having a mythic key group. I, too, have a SD (12 only).

Freudian slip? :upside_down_face:

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Please note that you will not be able to upgrade items that dropped before patch 9.0.5.

While we have technical reasons for this, we also want to avoid the feeling that you should go through months of item history and stuff your bags and your bank in preparation for this.

In-game, items that can be upgraded will be clearly labeled as such.

Due to technical issues I may or may not bother resubbing for 9.1

The only other time I can think of is when they added in the corruption Vendor.

Which to start with you couldn’t remove / reapply corruptions prior to when the Vendor first came out and was only changed weeks later.

So saying that had zero problem is disingenuous as if they had “zero problems” then they’d of added it in at the start and not weeks later. Changing it weeks later rather then at the start changes nothing as Item Restoration exists

I don’t know why you would have to re-farm for reasons 1) if lets say 9.05 comes out the second week in march that’s almost 5 weeks of vault gear that could be 220-226 gear so that’s 5 pieces you don’t have to up grade and second there is a cap on valor earning weekly anyway, so you will most likely be able to only upgrade 1 maybe 2 pieces a week which you would most likely get a new drop to upgrade anyway so it literally won’t affect you unless you have some BIS that is low level right now.