So yall quit?

I’m a hunter now i guess…

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I tried ench but I didn’t like it. I love doing chain lightning and just the way shamans cast lightning, fire, etc from range.

The best feeling is overloaded chain lightning lol

yea i quit the game my sub expires in 2 hours and im not resubbing to play old content with affixes…lol.

there are plenty of mmos out with actual content to play.

This. Great mogs, great class hall (legion), always S / A tier specs. Can do waaaaay more damage with way less setup in pvp.

Blizzard loves druids.

Ele top 3 now

Its probably a mix of the simplicity of Ele along with the massive influx of instant casts due to the tier set combined with Windspeakers that build off of each other.

This is of course assuming you had tier set. Overall Ele is just a fairly mobile caster because of things working together so getting punished is less likely.

Its also best to mention that if you actually look at that chart and the then look at scores on individual bosses that specs like Demo, Enhance, and Boomking (many others) have a lot more representation currently on the end bosses. Currently over the course of a 1 week spread (like that chart) there are a total of 2 Ele logs in the same 95% for 3 bosses (Anduin, Ryg, Lords).

Wait until more data is included before saying Ele is top 3.

I get what you’re saying, but you cannot take away that ele isn’t as terrible as OP or those crying make it out to be. While only two logs, it definitely shows that ele is moderately powerful.

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rogue melee
mage ranged

if you want to be s tier in every content be it pve or pvp, just do it already. we all know that bias.

Played around with enhance back in the day so I’m bias towards it.

Played around with elemental last xpac, and switched to Enhance for Shadowlands. In my opinion, enhanced is overall more enjoyable to play, even if it’s a FOTM right now. Plus Doomwinds, Wolf bones, or Lava set-up gives you three different builds to build and play with. Other classes are unlucky enough to have one legendary that’s useful overall.

for the most part im most likely going to wait for draongflight to play wow again its time for a break until classic wrath then after a that a break until dragonflight.

im excited to see the new talent trees i hope they let one talent slot be for 2hd.

After today’s news, my dreams of Shaman tanking have come to an end. :sob:

Sad to hear the news, there’s always shaman tanking in Classic, TBC and Wrath. Here’s a TBC guide: Shaman Tank guide - Learn how to master World of Warcraft Burning Crusade Classic as a proficient Shaman Tank