So, Xal'atath is a harbinger preparing our world to be devoured?

So Xal’atath is preparing our wolrd to be devoured by Void Lord Dimensius.

Very much like the Silver Suffer prepared worlds for Galactus to consume.

Anyway, we already met Dimensius during TBC: Dimensius the All-Devouring.

We summoned it in Manaforge Ultris and killed it.

Apparently, we didn’t, I don’t know anymore. Maybe he was just sent back to the twisting nether and reformed. That’s weird.

Me Orc, me smash. Don’t like things getting alive again.
Except undead, because I’m a Death Knight and I know this thing.

What do you guys think about reconnecting with the story we first heard back in TBC.
Are we going to see / hear more about our Ethereum friend Nexus-Prince Haramd as well?


Didn’t we kill Dimensius in Netherstorm?

The Void for void creatures. The Twisting Nether for demons.

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I’m glad I’m not the only one that thought this earlier.


Yes, but it is the very same creature. Which is why me confused.


I don’t know enough about the lore to even remotely figure it out.

I didn’t even know it was the same NPC til you all talked about it D:

Warcraft Wiki has been updated:

he was defeated and went and got even more powerful. hes gonna be the final boss of midnight

ragnaros is the same deal


Has she gotten ahold of the dark fart


TOO SOON, Xal’atath! TOO SOON!


This also means that the Ethereal homeworld had a Worldsoul in it since the Radiant Song is coming from Azeroth’s Worldsoul, but then that would mean there’s a Void Titan somewhere in the cosmos…


Or Dimensius devoured it.

It is weird because when we defeated it, it already had consumed K’aresh. I bet we just summoned a portion of his power into Outlands and that is why we were able to defeat that spawn.

yeah i thought void lords are the size of planets like the titans

I should really stop paying attention to the story; the writers did that a long, long time ago…

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It was VERY CONSISTENT when they were using things that had source material, I think maybe the writing direction got weird when they brought some people in.

I really liked the OG Blizzard team when it comes up to things of lore, where they would “mirror” things to other famous franchises, like the Lich King (there must always be a Lich King ) and The Flying Dutchman from Pirates of Caribbean (And a heart. I learned that if you stab the heart, yours must take its place. And you will sail the seas for eternity. The Dutchman must have a captain. )

But they also made the source material… The continuous retconning eventually began to break down what was already made.


I hate the retconning, which is why I would have never killed Arthas, Illidan or Deathwing.

Maybe I would have never killed Nefarian either.

Azeroth shall be devoured by a clown!


I’m not sure why people are insisting that it has to be Dimensius. Why? It could be ANY void lord trying to find world souls to devour. This was the entire point of Sargeras’ Burning Legion. He knew the void lords wanted to absorb and transform these world souls into more void lords. And instead of fighting him he just destroyed the world souls themselves.

For all we know Xal’atath is trying to convert Azeroth INTO a void lord and NOT have a void lord devour it.

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Void creatures just attack whatever they can and Old Gods were launched all over the Universe in an attempt to find a planet with a world soul.

They said in shadowlands that beings of one of the realms can only be truly slain in that realm, much like demons and the twisting nether or somewhere fel saturated.

They said the same is true for naaru and the Titans, and I would assume that extends to void lords.