Revendreth is established as the big anima farmer and known to be in support of the Jailer. The Maldraxxus forces that support the Jailer have anima from the only source left. Is it that much of a continuity error for something like that to be confirmed?
What is the point of the covenant stories if you want them all spilled out word for word to everyone?
Ahem, aktchually the story makes perfect sense. If you didn’t watch all of the teasers, read the novels, and the short stories, then it’s your fault for thinking the story presented to you in the game itself is a mess.
When the leaders of Maldraxxus all act shocked at seeing Revendreth anima containers when Sire Denathrius just sent a literal river of anima into the Maw, I think that’s worthy of critizism. The problem is it was new information to them, even though we all already know it’s Denathrius because of the main story.
Newly released wow expansion. Everyone praises it the first two weeks because all they see is the leveling content. They talk about how beautiful the world is, how great the music is, how interesting the quests are.
Sadly, these same people likely don’t feel that way going into month 2. The game is very superficial on all levels. IT’s BFA 2.0, but worst. It’s poorly optimized because of the level squish. PVP is a mess, dungeon mechanics are doing insane damage. Covenents are just farming anima power and time gated story line.
Not much to talk about really. Game is in a sad state, and people will fall off quickly.
Bastion was probably the weaker of the zones for me personally.
Not good considering it was the one they showed off the most, I would have assumed it would be at least the one with its stuff together…
Not to say it was bad, but its goal felt a little… floaty? compared to the leveling of
Maldraxxus (assist the chosen, light the runes)
Ardenweald (help the hunt, protect the egg)
and Revendreth (uncover the truth, assist the rebels)
Kyrian was just… we don’t want to hear your message about whats going on outside despite being the first one to show up in yonks… specifically with a message from Oribos as to whats goin on…
Go play in some tests that take others Eons.
Team Rocket angels start showing up. Kyrian leadership dont seem to care. Suddenly Skellybros attack. Go sort that out.
It still comes together, but it just… was a little more color outside the lines about it. if that makes sense?
And the start of the Kyrian campaign itself vs the story we already know is super messy;
Entire reason we first went there at 51~ was to tell them the crudder is clogged. Souls going to Maw.
Quest at 60; Take part in ritual to send soul to the crudder.
Be surprised when we find out… Crudder is clogged. souls going to Maw.
Not to mention that we already know about Devos from dungeon before campaign even got there…
But all bashing aside, I still am enjoying myself.
Even with its flaws, expansion is currently way above BFA. I constantly have stuff to do. I feel actually included in the story. (I’m looking at you Uldir Alliance side…) I have goals to achieve and aim for.
And if the leaders had just know you would of went ‘How did they know Revendreth was supporting the Jailer’s forces?’. Like you said Sire sent anima to the Maw, we did not have any hard confirm they were sending anima else where in the Shadowlands to support the Jailer’s forces.
It’s a love-hate thing.
Questing for me 50-60 was fine. I enjoyed it the first time around. Some zones kinda were ‘lackluster’.
The covenant campaign stuff feels too gated and just mostly , I don’t care for to be honest.
The legion class halls had that identity, things felt like they mattered.
I join a covenant for reasons, some things happen and I don’t feel all that care for it. Just a me problem I guess.
The bosses have gear that they drop when they are killed. You replace your gear if it is better than what you have on, then disenchant or trade gear that isn’t better.
That is what is going on.
As far as story? Blizzard has been very, very bad about making sure the story is told and in some order that makes sense.
Cinematics should be at the beginning and end of each dungeon to explain why you are there… and NOT skippable first time in.
But as mentioned the cut scenes are all over the place. If you want the story wath the cut scene compilations on Youtube.
I like the format. I can understand why others wouldn’t. It felt like through questing you get an intro to the storyline of each zones plight and by joining the covenant you saw that struggle through to its end.
There were cases though that vital backstory was left off the table. I think Night Fae sets up the story for De Other Side and without it you’re kind of just not sure what’s going on. I think they should not have done this. But adding some additional story to each covenant I think does add replayability, but is somewhat limiting to people not interested in alts.
I still think covenants should not have been something we commit to. We should be able to help everyone and choose which powers to borrow so its not such a commitment for people who are trying to optimize their characters.
I think it did lore and story very, very well back before the story was this over-produced, linear narrative experience. When it didn’t get bogged down in the little details, push dozens of characters who need to have tons of screentime, etc.
They did a great job with this stuff when it was just world-building and such.