BfA was horrible Warcraft. At least it was still Warcraft? Lol…
Honestly though, I didn’t like anything about BfA but I think the story - at least early on - seemed at least to have a solid structure. It was the same poor method of storytelling, the same bad writing, but there was an inkling of cohesion to events in the big picture. I don’t want to start praising anything the devs did in BfA though, so I’m stopping here.
I found the BFA self-contained continents to be pretty good. Zandalar on its own, and 2/3rds of Kul Tiras were pretty great. War Campaign and over arching narrative of BFA is what sucked for me, and dont even get me started on Nazjatar/Mechagon (awful).
In Shadowlands, I feel like the zones are missing something but overarching story seems cohesive (i might be wrong).
And I think the world building of SL is strangely lacking. Compared to Mists where they went all out to sell the continent. In SL, so much is just hand-waived off. Like everyone acknowledges the PC as “Maw Walker”… but no one is supposed to leave the Maw so why is everyone so blase about it?
Is there a legend of a Maw Walker in the distant past?
Heck, I even thought the explanation of what anima was was pretty shaky.
just personal preference, no doubt. The wife LOVED Mechagon, lol. I couldnt stand it.
I wish we had more daily stuff to do per zone. Im ok with running to Ardenweild, etc, but Id like to spend most of my game time inthe zone I chose the related covenant for.
i guess it does help force us to get the other faction rep worked up though, so thats a plus.
lol. I try not to think about stuff too much when it makes no sense unless my game is seriously affected. That ‘devolution’ joke they pulled with the Water striders losing WWing was enough of a hokey hoax to make me regurgitate, lol
SL story is just a confusing mess with all the time gating. I went with Venthyr on my main and that story is all about helping a rebellion against Denathrius, well Denathrius is already beaten lore wise because of the raid. I really don’t understand how Blizz can time gate covenant stories, yet things like dungeons and raids spoil events in those stories.
I’ve never understood people who complain about wow story. Thats like knocking fortnite because it doesn’t have realistic graphics. Wow has never been a good rpg story game. Ever. Unless you are someone who has never played an actual rpg then you might think its good.
I couldnt bear taking one character thru BFA it annoyed me so much.
Im actually enjoying one main in SL…so far. We’ll see if they can annoy me enough to really start complaining lol.
I couldnt even tell you what the story was, lol. I was just doing what I had to do with my eyes closed, not reading anything I didnt have to read, just getting stuff done as minimally as possible to get the stuff I wanted (allieds and such).
about 6 weeks in I couldnt stand it anymore and put my brain on autopilot and zoned out for the next two years. Kinda like that Adam Sandler movie with the TV remote…Click, I think?
I think that’s a case of the story being drawn out for what feels like no other reason than because. I don’t really see what the actual reason for us not being able to just go and grab the gang out of Torghast ASAP is.
Ever play Oblivion?
One more oblivion gate man…and the entire rig is going out into the dumpster
And lord…I like ES for the most part, but after Morrowind the stories just went right to pot. Skyrim was bland and gray and yeah, yeah yeah…ENOUGH dragons already,
Because off of the horrible dumpster fire of a story that was BFA this is leagues better.
BFA you straight up missed half the story or more depending on what faction you played and ended up getting thrust into zones and quests that left you going, “Why are we here and doing this?” Legion and SL at least has a coherent plot that you are not left out in the cold on. Like doing the main story and getting to where you get to pick your covenent your not out in the cold, you totally know whats going on.
Do some covenents have some more background flavor to it? Yes totally again, wont spoil them, but maldraxx and bastion probably have the most story implications out of all of them. But its not enough that if you did not do them, your totally left scratching your head.
Let me explain it to you OP, for leveling there are four dungeons at the start. Necrotic Wake, Halls of Atonement, Tirna Scithe and Plaguefall. These are dungeons that anyone who has just leveled through the four zones normally will get to. But there are also four more, Sanguine Depths, Spires of Ascension, Theatre of Pain and De other side. These four dungeons are specifically rooted in your covenant’s campaign. And will be better understood if you are in that specific covenant and are doing their campaign. If you aren’t, then you basically are just an emissary from an outside covenant to help solve that covenant’s main issue.
You find out Devos was the leader of the Forsworn during the Kyrian storyline. Afaik, there is no main story or side quest that makes it clear Devos is a bad guy.
It’s obvious we were supposed to level via these covenant quest chains. I don’t think they were originally going to be split like they were, as there are tons of continuity errors in the quests/dungeons/raids. It appears they split the storylines off into covenants in order to time-gate them.
I mean, the necrolord quest I just did showed that the leaders don’t even know Sire Denathrius was hoarding the anima, even though I couldn’t join the covenant until I competed the main story which makes that clear.
Got it. That’s not as bad as my initial interpretation of what you said. (I thought you meant like the rebellion against him was gated to the point of lagging behind the conclusion in the raid. Crazy but I dont put it past Blizzard!)