So why not just toss in Rated BGs?

Obviously you shouldn’t be able to earn Gladiator or Duelist from RBGs…but you should be able to continue ranking up in some fashion like Hero of the Horde titles or General/Warlord.

Are they though?

Considering that this system will at least halve the player base playing arenas because most will not see the point trying to get PvP gear when they just need to log in to raid to get their set much faster and much easier and considering that the grind to reach the weapon (which is the most satisfying equipment to buy from arena vendors) will take weeks long for 90% of the player base?

There are many changes I don’t care much about or I don’t mind. But these arenas changes are really bad for the entire community.

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No. This is actually a good thing and you are proving it.

People play the game to gear their characters. That is the driving force of the whole game. People have shown that they will do content that they absolutely despise if it gives them an upgrade to their gear.

Wow is successful when the content to gain gear is enjoyed by the player. They are improving their character and having fun while doing it.

If half of the player base is now going to not do arenas, you are correct, its because they now see an even easier way of getting gear, raiding. Those that chose to do arenas are those that actually enjoy it. They will be having fun and attempting to gear improve their character.

I think it would be rare if there are players that do not enjoy raiding and also do not enjoy arenas. Those players should probably not be playing at all which i am guessing they will eventually quit.

That would severely undercut 5’s rewards.
I actually like RBG’s but they have no place in TBC

First time? Ever since I got here the sky has been falling for one reason or another. I bought my 70$ Bobby Kottick proof umbrella though so it can’t hurt me!

Why do RBGS have no place in TBC? Is that opinion? Because they sure can have a place in TBC. So they can have a place in cata/Mop etc but not TBC? Thats not an argument LOL.


I disagree completely with your take here. You can certainly have fun running arenas casually with a couple friends and eventually save to buy a piece of gear you know will be hard to upgrade elsewhere. Right now if that happens to be the weapon or shoulders you likely know its out of reach for you and your friends before you even try. You can enjoy both.

All that is happening with this change is removing the people who might like it or enjoy it sometimes from being able to work towards something in arena. They won’t have people of ~ skill level to compete against. They will just get thrown to the wolves so to speak and they will likely quit playing it as they get shiit stomped. Without this change they would likely face people of ~ skill level and they would improve and may come to like playing arenas.

“Nothing has a place in TBC unless (I) personally like it”

Seems to be the general consensus around here.

No fun allowed.


29 responses to this thread and only one negative reply.

RBGs should definitely be in TBC.

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That’s pretty much it in the attitude of most people who do not want RBGs in TBC.

I’m happy that the people who really love arenas are getting them and I don’t want to take away from that. it’s just that arenas do not satisfy what I look for in PVP. They just don’t allow the type of playstyle I am after. I feel they have a rulebook you follow and there is no place to actually be creative or really outsmart the enemy. Both of these things are huge for me. So for me, RBGs would really add to my experience so I will always support adding them. As it stands I’m looking into other games to get the experience I want. Sadly Retail doesn’t do it for me either anymore with the lack of community. :frowning:

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