So... Why does silvermoon **Not** look like this?

This is amazing. It screams “highborne”… and frankly makes the current silvermoon look like a piece’a poo on a shingle. Why is this not a thing?


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Because it’s easier to pay one artist to make a nice oil painting than a team of designers to create a whole zone?


It was also scarred by the Scourge. That would leave a bit of a mark.

But mainly, at this time, Silvermoon is one of the oldest zones in the game, released in 2007, so probably designed one or two years before that.

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Because no one would ever leave it. Every other city would be deserted overnight.

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because this is a game

that…is a painting.

OP’s link below for reference.

Silvermoon could use some love. So could all the major cities. Let’s hope a revamp is in the horizon one day

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It looks more like the Isle of Quel’danas, taking into account it’s by the sea and the bright column seems to be something related to the Sunwell.
But yeah, the architecture from Silvermoon should be the same, and it looks amazing.

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Because your grapichs card and RAM can’t handle it?

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I really hope they rebuild Qual’Thalas and Lordaeron as modern capital hubs

Would love to see Silvermoon get some love, looks wise, along with other places in the old world; but not holding my breath.

That’s beautiful. Although, if it were in the game, my toaster wouldn’t be able to handle it.

Truth be told, that picture is actually Zulduzar as a ghost calls down a nuke. You can see the flash seconds before the place is obliterated.

Because Silvermoon came into existence well over 10 years ago and hasn’t (and probably won’t) received an update.


Edit NvM can’t get it to load more than a thumbnail.

It looks far too night elven or nightborne to me. It’s pretty, but it doesn’t really say “high elf”.