So why do racials matter again?

Hi, I’m a nelf tank.

I have a human tank to the right of me. He out gears me, has for months, and he spams taunt all the time (might even have it macro’d to some abilities) and can’t hold or pull threat off me. The human tank to the left of me prefers not to use taunt but has to in order to keep up with me on trash pulls.

Then guild A here, likes to dot all the i’s and cross all the t’s, yet they’re half social half hardcore. Meaning min/max and racial dogma is used when most obvious or most convenient, and doesn’t necessarily offer a gross benefit, but perhaps an individual one? Yet if they were to break down each player’s stats, and rank each player based on those stats (including their superior racials), and then compare to see if individual performance aligns with said order… Surprise! it doesn’t line up perfectly.

So racials and min/maxing as a whole is really just a lot of pompy self important hot talk. It’s compensation for having fat greasy fingers. And it creates unnecessary and clearly unwarranted drama.

You want to play the victim card when you get out rolled on Emp, Maladath, and Bindings to a non-human? How about all the victims you’ve created with your dogma? Do you know where you are? You’re not on a private server anymore. You’re with the general public. The general public doesn’t have to carry around a copy of Thus Spake Zarathustra to remind them of the master race. The general public doesn’t have to bend to your imposing will.

Fun Fu@#ers is what I’m going to call you people.



tl;dr: I can’t figure out how to download a threat meter.


I think one of the easy pitfalls of game development is allowing player issues to make you think there is something wrong with your game.

These types of issues are largely a result of people / social issues, and they will exist regardless of how you choose to develop your game.

The problem is not racials. Those are working as intended.

Oh yeah, QQ.

Actually, it means there are a lot more people blowing hot air about how they’re min/maxing, and very few who are truly accomplished at it.

EDIT: That might be unclear what I’m saying. Basically, like many other ‘advantages’, in the hands of an average skill player the benefits can be squandered.

If we took someone that many other players agreed was exceptional, elite in skill, and had them do near equal comparative runs with everything else the same, they would make that difference stand out. Side-by-side of an average player and a sub-par player won’t.


I chose gnome bc I found it funny. But I miss the +5 swords every day. It’s a big deal for leveling, a big deal for dpsing, a big deal for tanking. I will have to give up other stats to get what comes out of the box for a human warrior. And I am fine with that because I do not want to play a human warrior. And I am skilled enough to compensate. But you can’t be serious and compare your performance to the other tanks without some reference to gear.

I think I’m just trying to give myself a laugh over the near tyrannical seriousness some people impose over this game. The cancer that ideals on perfection can impose.

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My guild is concerned with spec and a baseline set of consumables, but never racials. Our third tank is a NElf warrior, and a third of our melee DPS are not humans, either. I’d actually BE a night elf, but I decided to roll with my Vanilla race, and I like to min/max, so all of that aligned.

A guild that is concerned with every race being the best is concerned with the wrong min/max scenarios.

It’s not so much that as it is the leverage that one can try to sway by having the best racial and best theory designed around them.

This racial and min/maxing dogma seems best suited for competition among peers. Not for the betterment of a guild or for competition between guilds.

This is exactly why the players should not design the game and ‘voting’ on features for classic+ like some people say is a bad idea. Because the majority of the playerbase is incapable of understanding scope and scale.


I mean human racial is very good…But are you hit capped/

if so tell em stick it where the sun don’t shine til they find sum1 better

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Actually I do believe the community should have more of a vote in the direction of development. They shouldn’t be able to make specific design decisions, but they should have a vote on the general direction. Pretty much how they already do it in Runescape.

What I am saying is that people will always take a .5% issue and turn it into a 5% or 50% issue. People are going to create issues of their own, regardless of how perfect - or imbalanced - a system might be.

We do.

We call the votes “dollars”.

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Yeah basically this.

So few of the actual player base can play or execute at a level where racial (even arguably the most powerful weapon racial for orc/human) actually help at all.

Unless these players literally “git gud”, the small differences racials make are irrelevant when an extra consumable or better play would make a much bigger impact on their actual performance.

To summarize, racials don’t actually matter unless the player is already good enough to take advantage of having them matter in the first place.


You should try using your brain next time. :wink:

I dunno… I think most players are skill-capped to the point to where gear, talents and racials don’t really matter too much. It’s cool if you can pump out numbers, but that doesn’t take skill. How many damage classes have a 1-2 button rotation?

Skill >> racials any day.

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I love irony.

I can tell you do, too.


Wow 5000 posts of this type of content?

I am surprised Blizzard doesn’t ban people like you.

I am 4 posts in and I can already tell this is a cesspool.

Have fun y’all.

Five posts.


I actually disagree with this. If the dev isn’t capable of making the right decisions to make the game good it eventually dies off. At that point preservation of the original is key.

But giving the players directional control will cause stagnation. I wouldn’t consider OSRS much of a good example personally.

…is that how you justify your lack of OP dwarfness cauchy…with your disgusting un paladin like spirit racial


get engineering and buy a pair of catsete you dirty human