So why did all female panda get tails but Worgen didn't?

It doesn’t matter. What matters is that worgen don’t have tails. We can argue 'til we’re blue in the face but the fact is, they don’t.

Some arguments in this thread are just really laughable.

OMG, no way! Fictional wolf human hybrids can NEVER EVER have wolf tails! That would be totally immersion-breaking and the story is always so over-correct with absolutely no retcons anywhere! :sob:

Tails for wolves are completely unthinkable. So, to ensure that my perfect perception of these pixelated wolves isn’t violated, you must not have any additional options!!! :weary:


Well, pandaren evolved to have tails. Whereas worgen were transformed from humans, who do not have tails. If you gave a pandaren the worgen curse though they would be a worgen with a tail.

Yuh basically a spell gone wrong Pack Form is basically like cat form on steroids I’d imagine but you’re a wolf and have little to no control going literally feral and well the Worgen curse was the result of an attempt to control the pack form resulting in an in-between state almost :dracthyr_comfy_sip:

But yuh Pack form would of had a tail and it’s not exactly unbelievable that the destruction of the Scythe of Elune would cause the magic to weaken resulting in some Worgen becoming more beast like developing a tail and what not.


what kind of demon are you?!

A very peaceful kind lol

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I’d ditch Two Forms entirely if it meant I could get a tail on my Worgen. Easiest trade in my life.



Give us weasel people race. Then Michael Dorn can voice one. :wink:

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And their wings and horns.

For me it’s more immersion-breaking that they don’t have tails. It almost feel like Dwarves, who don’t have beards. There is simply something missing.

I wouldn’t have it any other way.

Weasel could probably use Sethrak as a base for their sleek design and long neck.

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A dwarf not having a beard if he’s old enough to grow one is usually that he’s a criminal. Its a punishment and its shaved off. (At least in D&D)