So who are the true Edgelords Demon Hunters or Death Knights?

Who has the most Edge of them all ??

And who is edgier Illidan or Arthras a debate for the ages.

I pick Arthras and DK as the true edgelords.

Debate and talk now.


Lol Demon hunters are best obviouslly we start at a higher level.

Illidan and DH’s take the edge lord prize.

Illidan was so edgy he fought his destiny. He saw the light, said screw that and fried xe’ra. At some point Arthus just let it go, let it go (get it…frozen lol)…True edge fights everything.

DH’s win because we are now forced to play nice in BFA. DK’s seem to try to settle back into their past life in some. I will serve my peeps again. DH’s…we are forced back into this crap.

Nathanos/7th commander say go do this champion. I want to say “excuse me?..I have lead campaigns against demon incursions on worlds whose names you can’t even pronounce let alone spell. You don’t tell me, you ask me.”

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Male human Paladins out trump both of you edgewise.

Imagine being a token devout man willing to give it all for the invisible glowing spaghetti monster in the sky


What U mean I cant settle into my old life… I always have to kill things… or I go insane with battle lust…

Heck I have urge to kill things more then an Orc and thats saying things.


Judging by the types of people posting with them on these here Forums, Demon Hunters are the supreme edgelords.
Also, they’re all elves, how terrible.



I’d say Demon Hunters are because they CHOSE gouge out their own eyes and become what they are. Death Knights were forced into it by the Lich King.

Now if we get a new starting experience for Death Knights (like say for allied races) where they volunteer to become Death Knights and Bolvar turns them, then they can contend with the DK’s for true edgelord status :stuck_out_tongue:

DH’s are a joke.
DK’s are epic.


Glad you are a man of style.

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Its like the difference between emo and goths


DKs are ultimate edgelords. There is no contest. Darkness, brooding, hoods. DHs are wannabes that no one likes and who steel abilities from og classes. Also they have their own try-hard Naruto run. :joy:

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If I am being honest, probably Demon Hunters. I love Demon Hunters. The way they play, their sacrifices and their armor, their devotion to agility as opposed to raw power fascinates me. But, “I have sacrificed everything…what have you given?” or whatever the proper quote is kinda takes the cake. DH npcs need to shut their cake holes and brood some more. Still, I love the lore.

OTOH, Death Knights probably take the prize for banality.

I’m only edgy when I drink too much coffee. Which I do a lot so I guess I’m pretty edgy.

You hit me where I live. :hugs:

This is like asking which came first the chicken or the egg.

LEGO Batman has everyone beat by a mile.

Demon Hunters. They’re the only class that can use warglaives. They literally have the most edges.

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Death knights didn’t sacrifice EVERYTHING!!

unlike us demon hunters. We sacrificed everything.

That and the chose their path for what? Fighting the scourge? At worst a planetary threat.

Demon hunters fought a galactic wide threat.

Moral of the story, we are better. We are edgier.

We are also the only class that can Tmog a legendary.

Can DKs Tmog Shadowmourne? Nope… :rofl: