So... which patch are they using for wotlk classic?

3.4.0 which is 3.3.5+

Someone got to Blizzard. When it comes to RDF Blizzard is not telling us the true reason they don’t want to add it. Every line they give us is contradictory to their actions.

It most certainly is not about improving the social experience.

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Their reason changes every time they are asked. All the way from socialization to their newest excuse which is “it will ruin leveling”. Which at least is a semi-reasonable excuse. And if they would have just said they didnt want it to overshadow leveling in phase 1 and will add it in phase 2 I’d accept it personally.


I watched the video. He did qualify this with “at the start.” If the belief is RDF will alter the gearing at the start. Phase 2 RDF is fine.

People will be geared and moving on from that part of the process long before the end of Phase 1 though.

I mean I agree but Phase 2 is a cleaner answer than “mid phase 1” which will lead to riots when what they consider mid 1 is not what happens.

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In at launch would have been a clean answer too.

I’mma laugh when raid groups are clearing without ever gearing through dungeons. Hit max level, gets some quick gear from quests and crafting. Poof, right into raid smashing.

I 100% agree with you. I’m just talking about their excuses.

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people were raiding naxx in sunwell gear. you dont need dungeon gear to raid.

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They will be raiding Naxx in Season 4 arena gear now.

IMO it is a little lame to have the same arena and DPS metas for pretty much the entire expansion… but w.e

The arena metas do change due to specs coming online with secondary stat threshholds

Arms isn’t god tier in arena until later, beast cleave isn’t incredible until later, DK gets a bit worse in arena (relative to others) over the course of wrath, etc

You can get 100%, but not easily. You need a lot of heroic ICC 25 man gear and the epic gems for it.

Yes, I have multiple ArP Capped toons on PServers. This guy is claiming that before some nerf people were getting way too much ArP and cutting through people, but that literally still happens in 3.3.5a

Armor still turns to toilet paper in Wrath I agree. Resilience is the last real damage mitigator for pvp.

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