So wheres the pandaren community at?

Per the title I feel like I never see or hear anything lately. did people get burnt out from pandaria remix?

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Rerolled Vulpera, I’m not happy about it either.
Vulpera are way more offensive than Pandas…they’re literally vermin!

Happens, guess I could look into class specific communities like warlock or something. I really like the visuals of a green fire pandaren warlock reworking visuals to be all jadefire and such


(Pandaria is in a boat all its own which so few have an interest in. While it is a Crown Jewel all its own, there is so little impact of pandaren culture seen anywhere else in the game.)

(Can’t even find good pandaren brews at any inn.)

(We are talking structures, villages, ruins, etc. But you did see stormwind/kaldorei/orc/goblin architecture come to Krasarang Wilds of course.)

(The Remix event served two purposes, increase player game time and close out the final boss that many missed out on including the cloak transmogs. The ususal visitors are those for old xmogs or for loot.)

(Noone lives in Pandaria anymore, they commute to Stormwind.)

(I have a sinking feeling the Kung Fu Panda stigmatism is why Pandaren are seen as a joke at times.)

There was one but I don’t know if it’s still going strong or not.

Here’s The Shrine of Fellowship:

People are active there, including myself, though I mostly just post memes on the Discord.


I was actually looking for that one to post it.

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There is a Pandaren Discord community that has been linked above, which is admittedly in a bit of a hibernation state atm.

On the other hand, there is a Pandaren guild catering to Shado-pan themed RP as can be seen on my character’s guild tag :slight_smile:



Who doesn’t want to be in the < Shado Pan Vanguard >? The dark foreboding demeanor, the mysterious look, the grace of the wind, and the ferocity of the mountain.

During the remix event i saw that numerous players were enjoying the transmog attire of various experiences. I expect that once the thrill/rush of the Anniversary event ends players may return to a relaxed roleplaying lifestyle, seeking fun and adventure without the repetition.

Working hard to get every achievement/title/transmog item before it goes away is priority number one. A chance to increase ones accessory wardrobe/and maximize token inventory so you can unlock every other item/transmog from other Timewalking events.

(Although personally some of the weapons are more like cartoon props than actual impressive instruments of war. Like playing COD with a traditional yellow/orange/green squirt gun.)

Once the thrill of TWW Part 1 wears off I surmise players will return to other forms of RP experiences. Then it will be ideal to recruit for anything non-human related.

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Recommend Shado-Pan Vanguard guild