So where is Sylvanas now?

Given the fact that Zovaal has tried to take the Sigils before, and he’s succeeded now, probably means his goals have not changed.

He needed their sigils 200,000 years ago so that he could gain access to “Forbidden Knowledge.”

He needed their sigils yesterday so that he could gain access to “Forbidden Knowledge.”

Zovaal lied to Slyvanas in his “master plan” which caused her to shoot an arrow at his face…

Zovaal lied to Slyvanas .

Lets, soak that in for a min. Zovaal. Lied. To. Slyvanas.

Now why would we have to wait for her to wake up, to learn what she knows?

What if-- what Slyvanas’ knows – is just another lie?

Ask the Supreme defended of the Shadowlands, one who withstood the might of the Burning Legion, who imprisoned Zovaal before…

… or the mortal banshee queen who has constantly been manipulated and lied to?

I’m not a professional writer by any means… but…


Really? This is the first I’ve heard of this.

I dug up the quote for you.


Huh, that’s neat. I wonder how the story would have gone had they kept the idea.

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I was searching the forums, not Google. You’re right that Google would’ve been a good choice.

Still doesn’t make Kerrigan - Xel’naga or Sylvanas - Arbiter any less stupid.

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That’s why it’s been a running gag this forum this whole time.

Do you know what they will ask Sylvanas?

The Primus and the other “Supreme” deities are doing a bang up job at protecting Shadowlands, but we are more interested in Sylvanas.