So when more horde go warmode, where does the system put them

Seems dumb to let them all overfill onto light alliance shards yes?

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I was on shard last night with zero ally, then I joined a group to a shard with low horde and heavy ally.

Don’t you mean no alliance shards?

The most common things for me are:

  1. Getting placed in a shard with no alliance
  2. Getting placed in a shard where alliance is zerging everywhere
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There is a third solution, quest with friends and guildies.

But if you want to gamble and take on the entire opposite faction yourself, sure go right ahead.


I know that this sounds whiney, but it’s frustrating for Horde as well. Especially when we are trying to complete the CTA, Battle for Naz, or Tour of Duty quests/achievements, it’s impossible when PvP isn’t existent.

Shards overrun with Horde are agitating because, yes, it’s unfair to the Alliance.

But also, it’s unfun for Horde PvPers. If I need to kill an enemy player to get Battle for Naz credit and I can’t FIND an enemy player, then I don’t get the credit for something I did.


One faction wants to PvP, the other just pretends.

And I thought War Mode was going to pool me in with all of the Alliance’s PvPers. Turns out that was a farce. The combined might of Alliance PvP is a joke. It pretty much means that anyone who wants to PvP for it does it H-side, whether you main Alliance or Horde.


Well it’s hard to find PvP if you’re sitting in Stormwind all of the time killing lowbies I guess.


With the exception of Darkshire SWAT(probably the best group-oriented WPvP professionals seen ever), Alliance is just too gutless to back up those lowbies, who have been getting that gucci XP WM bonus.

And the Horde are just too hard to fight when nobody wants to help if there’s no rewards in it so yea, the good ideal PvP is like that pie in the sky. You take what you can get. And that’s a Hordie toon right there Mr. Sandal so you know it when I say it that the Horde is the good fit for every PvPer. Asmongold/Swifty/Bajheera fan clubs need not apply, obviously.

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Most Horde are pretty garbage too, but since you’re just a fotm faction reroll that wanted the easy way out you wouldn’t be aware of that I guess.


I’m not ashamed to say I have Alliance carebear roots. And I regret it. I don’t know what you mean by the “easy way” because back in a pretense where you got nowhere because of petty A-side guild politics, you can either 1) QQ or 2) RR. Which one is easy? The XBox 360 helped me QQ a little but Mists, my sweetheart expansion, happened. Rerolling to Horde was the last option if you still wanted to play WoW from that pretense.

We can’t all be the celebrities’ VIP’s. I’m so sorry, everyone, that I never got to rub shoulders with Swifty, Bajheera, etc… Because I really do think that the best experience you can get as Alliance is to hang with the popular ones. Otherwise you’re just treading water being Noob Zero.

Horde need to ask for invites to RP war mode shards, imo.

RP war mode shards are completely inundated with alliance, like non-RP war mode shards are (mostly) inundated with horde. It’s like playing an entirely different game.

EDIT: Oh. this topic was 8 days old when I made this post. Whoops.

It’s not whiny at all. Better war mode balance benefits both factions. It’s a pity Blizzard gave up on it in 8.2.

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Blizzard gives up on everything PvP unfortunately. :confused:

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