So whats your RP story for the 5 years between shadowlands and Dragonflight?

Mortignis would probably go home and sleep in his coffin until it’s time to fight again.

What would your character be doing in their 5 years?


Our guild, 1st Fist of Light, used to all be members of the Scarlet Crusade. We went renegade when we finally saw the Scarlet Crusade for all the horrific atrocities that they had committed. We went rogue, were given Sanctuary by Varian, with the promise of helping the Alliance. Since it seems like their were be tentative peace between the Horde and Alliance we’ll be rooting out members of the Cult of the Damned and put them to the stake.

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Lendoranah would play the b o n g o s and try and count how many imps she’s ‘sploded’.

5 years of playing bon-gos, that’s horrifying.

Stealing mana to reinvigorate the Sunwell so I have a place to go swimming.

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Jim takes a job as Sheriff of Goldshire.

He spends most of his days drinking in the Lion’s Pride while drunks pick fights with each other in front of the inn.

Bandits and miscreants come in to town nightly so most nights he’s busy cleaning up the rabble with his fellow sheriffs.

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This, but Horde themed.

My Dwarven Shaman will be going to Loch Modan, to drink beer and relax. Probably have to fight off some tax collectors when they realize that I’m rich.

takes extreme dedication, and demons who are willing to listen to it for that long

I have a little Death Knight I’ve been gearing lately for rp purposes. Her name is Hellsqueák and her backstory is a WIP but know this; she’s about as looney a character as you’ll find. Death to the Alliance, subjugation of all non Orcs (never mind that she’s a belf). Terror! Death!! Destruction!!! WAR!!! If only she could get over that nagging fear of reprisal. Such a chicken heart, but Azeroth needs war, she demands it! Yeah but those ‘lesser’ races like Zandari, Kul’Tiran, Night Elves and Dranei are pretty big ya know? Something must be done.

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are these forums not moderated?

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Excuse me?

Hey, leave the blood elf alone.

Notice how he did not mention vulpera. nods approvingly

i dont know how you guys get away with these dog whistles.

I’m sorry. I don’t mean any offence by this. I am genuinely concerned.

Do you realize how unhinged you sound? You’re asking if the forums are moderated and saying people are using dogwhistles on an RP question thread on the World of Warcraft Emerald Dream Realm Forums. It’s Roleplay. Next thing you’re gonna start going off on guilds like Clan Battlehammer or one of the other racially homogenous guilds because they won’t invite your Orc or something. All you seem to do it try to pick fights on threads over silly things these days. If you need someone to talk to and I’m serious, you can PM me in game. I’m always willing to listen and talk with people. Be well, friend.

On Topic: Xanathal will probably return to the Imperial Capital and continue with his experiments and rituals while overseeing the Warsong Agribusiness and Logistics Center. Spending his off-nights at the Imperial Panda Harem and Bank of Gilneas.


Agreed they are lesser. Good to know where you stand with orcs. Should add vulpera and traitorous tauren to that list though. Just say all alliance races are lesser and let’s slaughter them on the field of battle.

Lok’tar Ogar

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I can’t wait for the guild’s reaction when they finally fix the Vulpera quest chain and himanshu is vulpera!

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How could you