So what's going to happen with Murky? (2005 Blizzcon pet)

The original Collector’s Edition owners are able to keep their pets in Classic, so why can’t Blizzcon 2005 attendees have Murky in Classic aswell? Seems a little unfair…


i want my Blizzard Bear then, if thats the case.


That came out when WotLK was current

wrath came out in 2008…

its a wow 4 year anniversary pet…
i should have said baby blizzard bear.

Sadly they wont and havent said anything. You would think blizzard would cherish those players that went to the blizzcon and are returning. They let CE pets in which are of no lore importance; Murky’s a dang near mascot.

Murky was part of Vanilla, blizzard bear wasnt.

I wish they would at least say something about it, like they did TCG.

Because it was a collector’s edition pet back then.

It isn’t a pet for anyone who plays on Vanilla now, with their retail sub.

Where is our MURKY? At least where is the dang NPC. :frowning:

Wrong, Murky was a reward for the original wow, that was in original wow that is missing in this #nochanges wow. Some of us flew across the country but little kids who weren’t there don’t want us to have murky; therefor blizz is appeasing them. I really dont get it.

I still have my Hat, T-shirt and Lanyard but don’t get to use Murky in the actual game. So much for loyalty rewards and supporting the first Blizzcon.

Because you already have it on your Retail account if you went to Blizzcon 2005. Doesn’t mean you just get it now. You already have it…

I want my murloc suit from the very first blizzcon! I hope I’m not asking for too much. :stuck_out_tongue:

Ive tried to find the egg, but cant restore it. The egg is for World of Warcraft and this is World of Warcaft. I could care less about whatever the current version of wow is.

I’d sure like to find out whats happening with Murky!

This again?

This is a dead issue. Collectors edition pet is valid for as many characters as a person makes…forever…for each toon on the account. Correct me if im wrong but murky was a one time use thing for one character. Once the ticket or whatever was used or redeemed it was done. People that are whining used their ticket years ago. You still have murky…its just on retail. Now excuse me while i go back to my mini diablo.

its not dead while the posts keep bumping, thanks for your bumps! /highfive

If this guy gets murky it’s only fair to bring in pet battles