So what's faster?

Leveling the normal way using Chromie Time and heirlooms…or…

Timerunning? I ask this because the only real interest in this is for xmogs (which I could farm using 1 of the 13 70’s I have) and unlocking allied races for the Horde (which I do not play).

It’s been fun seeing gem effects trigger, but there are some annoying factors. I managed to go from 10-29 in one session, but I think I would go faster leveling the traditional way.

Also, looking at the cost of some of the mounts, toys, xmogs…it is absurdly expensive.

Timerunning for your first chat takes longer than leveling in retail atleast for me. For my second char it was a little faster than retail.

I am kind of seeing the same way. I guess the only reason to be on it right now is to possibly farm for harder to get ‘mogs’ and then put her on park, to then unlock horde allied races.

Seems odd that it was kind of hyped up as a “hyper-leveling, Diablo-esque experience with ‘cantrip’ gem effects”. What I have noticed is it is either the same speed or a bit slower due to gear drops.

There are supposedly some big experience drops for your cloak in Normal raids. If you get these (I didn’t), then leveling is probably a bit faster.

I have leveled in this event purely on questing (just as I did with a couple of characters during MoP) and it is not really any faster than it was back then.

I suspect that Chromie time would probably be faster but I haven’t used it any time recently.

There are.

I did normal ToT yesterday, had a priest that has levelled only by doing raids, or so they said, anyhoo, by the time the raid fell apart, their cloak had 514% Exp Bonus at level 64. What carries over, I couldn’t tell you, I can only tell you what I have seen others post, and that’s 100% Bonus. I only just got my first character to 70 last night and I haven’t created a new toon yet.


To answer OP, I found Retail to be faster, but, in saying that, levelling was fun in Remix, although I have ran lots of characters through MOP back when it was current, this felt fresh, new and I thoroughly enjoyed it.

Sadly, questing has not given me a result anywhere near that.

I am currently level 65 and my bonus to experience is +70%.

For the most part, I am following the same questing path that I did in MoP, and it appears that I will probably hit max level at about the same point in the path (deep into Kun La Summit).

I am at just under 24 hrs of played time, with a couple of hours wasted on talent and gear builds.

Edit: As it turns out, the 70% experience buff was not enough to match my original leveling speed in MoP when it was new. Strange.

Questing wouldn’t give that high. It’s a perk of raiding. However, 70% is also low for 65. I got 70 last night from 60 onward my cloak was around 115% xp gain. I think it’s currently at 125 or 128 or something. I haven’t raided on the character yet, altho I did like 4-5 heroics as I leveled.

Same. Mine is at 190% and I did several LFR which don’t give nearly as much as Normal, and mainly questing. I only did a few of the first bosses of ToT at the end of the day, yesterday, I was very close to 70 at that point then hit 70 shortly afterwards.

Yep, same as me! I hit 70 at almost the exact same point as I did on the PTR - in Kun La Summit.

If you can and want to raid - Normal is they way to go, but if nothing but 100% only carries over to alts, I don’t see the point, unless they fix it, if it needs to be fixed (which I think it certainly does - this is definitely not as advertised at all).

Once you have like 3 70s exp is increased by 400% if you want allied races grab em first ^.^. You have 3 months(:

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Normal raids also drop 12% exp increase per boss. And mogu is available at lvl 25

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Say what now?

See, I’m only on my first character, it’s 70 now. But with all the hubbub around this “Alts are capped”, I’m seriously debating even making a new toon at this point.

I’m only in it for the mogs/mounts - in that order.

I would like a few more Hunters and Mages on the realms where I only have a Pally and a Pally on the realms where I only have a hunter.

Aghhhh decisions.

Right now, I think until at least Tuesday, I’m going to continue completing everything on the toon I just got to 70, achievements and whatnot.

Now this I know, but, when can you start raiding? Normals? Is that 25 also?

I dont raid in Retail, only LFR, but if the rewards are lucrative enough I may do a different toon through raiding.

In my case, I was actually referring to leveling back in MoP (when the expansion was new). I leveled about ten characters back then using different methods and the ones that quested through maxed out in my 4th zone, which was Kun Lai.

I will probably only level one character through this event. I was considering two or three but it does not appear to be worth bothering with for me.