So what will people ask now?

Retcon shadowlands.


The stuff that went missing from my guild bank back


Gnome druids, with battle pets as the animal form models.

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I want a Warcraft themed 2D arcade fighting game. Arc Sys and Blizz need to make it happen.

edit: and Mecha-Forsaken. High priority on the Mecha-Forsaken.

I want Demon form back for Locks.


I want to see Bearthas meet his final death at my pawbs.

Drac for president 2028!

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Let rogues be able to rob other player houses. That would be funny.

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  • Account wide Currency, back to Classic
  • Account wide rep back to classic
  • Race / Class / Faction Unlocks
  • Hearthstones reimagined so you get a map when you hearth to pick any Inn you have ever visited
  • Heirlooms that auto-upgrade on their own each expansion
  • Gilnean Stage Coach as a 5 passenger mount
  • Engineering Teleport Pads in every major city
  • Professions to be returned to normal and not the state they have been in since Legion
  • New style of Garrison where we can build our own racial buildings and are not limited to Human stone, and Orc huts
  • Drop rates on ALL Dungeon / Raid mounts from Classic to SL boosted to 5% up from 0.78%
  • Default Backpack expanded to 36 slots for all and 44 for Vulpera
  • Follower Dungeons extended into Follower Heroics, since Mythics are going nowhere
  • Follower Dungeons opened from Classic - Current
  • 100 new tabard icons, and custom color choices for guilds
  • Update for the Guild Lion mount
  • Personal Assistant Questline that gives us a summonable follower who can handle the Bank, Mail, Repairs, AH, and other minor business on a 6 hour CD
  • The ability to see Great Vault status on the login screen

Iā€™m sure there is moreā€¦ but that is a start.

It would be cool to have extra appearances for your character that are themed from your talent spec. Like Destruction locks could have cool glowing magma feet and fire hands and Frost mages could be all frozen and stuff.

Prot warriors get a huge chin.

my wishlist has bard tinker and necromancer and maybe not some boomstick looking riffle something from the last 100 years looking would be nice. im not asking for a ar15 but hell a Winchester would be awesome. all class on all race, xmog for dracthyr or evokers on a different race im not picky on which of the 2 at this point. some armor dye race based customizations for classes. like a void elf or forsaken paladin would have a more shadowy look to their abilities. oh and murlocs playable. been making the list over 20 years and this is all thats left

PvE Parry removal.
Model updates.

I want to see Sylvanas compete on Survivor.

Old world revamp, dance studio, more race customization for everybody, etc.

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Honestly? Vulpera Paladin for me. Just drop the Race/Class restrictions for the other races. Ogres are also pretty high up there but at this point I am convinced we will never see proper Ogres and they shouldnā€™t just be an Allied Race.

Uhmā€¦ Maybe make it so max levels can enter Chromie time for fun? I like questing. /shrug

To be frank, I am pretty content with whats coming.

Iā€™m looking for a good story

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armor dyes is next objective.


Brewmaster buffs

More specs/classes and they really should do something permanent about deprecating content.

Wow has so much content yet barely any is relevant, they re balanced some dungeons to be relevant for current content yet we only get them for one season, why???

If you re made certain mechanics itā€™s just a matter of keeping it updated

And for raids they should also try to keep them relevant for the long term, then they can just rotate raids weekly, keep the main raid of the season, and a secondary raid that rotates weekly to a new one, eventually this should result in a significant increase in variety of content.

Then the general upkeep, make changes for specs that are good for gameplay, change how certain things work in order to make them less annoying to deal with like the m+ keystone system etc etc ā€¦

Ogres, Tuskarr, Murlocsā€¦

And Tinkers.

My wishlist hasnā€™t shrunk since they gave us Pandaren.

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