We have gotten classic, we have gotten WoW Tokens, demon hunters, Classic Servers, PLAYER FREAKING HOUSING, like is there anything left from your wishlist(all I need now are high elves for my bingo card to complete)
What about DH’s?
Duck mounts. Now that we have the duck critters and duck pets, we need to have matching duck mounts.
Regular ones, mechanical ones, void ones, fell ones, shadow ones, etc.
And the Dance Studio!
And then Kangaroo mounts! And if you are a smaller race, like vulpera and gnomes, you ride in the pouch instead of the saddle on the back.
I’m still looking for a segway.
More troll raids. I think they still have some lore that needs destroyed.
The big ones remaining
1: worgen tails
2: tinkers / bards
3: nelf paladins
Tinkers, full on tech based class. Conquer Azeroth with the power of science.
I still need a tinker class.
Full transmog for Dracthyr, please.
Proper balance
A dye system for armour.
And my Crimson Legion tabard.
I’d love a Holy RDPS spec next please.
Also this
Dance studio!
More customization?
I mean, it was a major feature in Shadowlands that ended up not covering a lot of races, plus leaving some that did get something still feeling very lackluster. Then they kept improving it in patches, but with diminishing returns each patch, and for now we get a entire year roadmap without even mentioning it.
We need more customization. Way more!
Race cars! I wanna race in the . . . oh . . . we’re getting that too.
Lots of playable races, lots of customization, and Tinkers.
I refuse to believe this was on anyone’s wishlist.
For me though, my wish is a dedicated necromancer class with summons that don’t just disappear like warlocks imp army, and dks army of the dead do. I want a necro summon army like in Diablo that always stays up.
Playable Ogres and Naga.
I want to play a draenei Artificer or Soulpriest. Thanks.
Limited time items/mounts/sets to come back.