So what killed the hype?

1.12 really. That and the type of retail, easy mode, class balance, streamer, agenda driven 1.12 champions that currently infest these boards. Unfortunately, people don’t care to much for an authentic overall experience.

Shrug. I might not even play. Water off my back.

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1.12 class balance is not ez mode lol what are you smoking half the specs aren’t even viable and without 1.12 classes like druid would be absolute sh*t tier.

The community that cares for vanilla more than anyone can claim is the people who built and play on PS and 1.12 with progressive content is what they wanted.

8.2 is next week. People in Beta Classic who are at max level cap (level 40) has nothing to do. They dont queue on BGs… and they are tired of doing Scarlet Monastery or Razorfen Downs for more than 5 times. Literally, there’s nothing to do in there unless Blizz raise the level cap.

There’s new content in 8.2. At last, new stuffs to do. Since they have sub. It’s free to play either Classic or BFA anyway, so why not play it? You Classic FOREVER hype is getting old. You really cant admit that there is not much to do in Classic when you reach the max level. And you always deny that BFA’s fun parts are on max level and on end game. You never thought that Classic was reborn becoz of BFA subscribers.

Hype is not dead. Just not very many people want to pay $15 to level to 15 when they can continue their “hype” and practice for free on private servers. Many Blizzlike servers out there to practice on.


Stress tests aren’t the subject of hype. No one is hyped for jumping into an overpopulated Elwynn Forest and seeing if they can break the server. Being able to get out and enjoy the world is what people are hyped for.

No one cares about a new patch to the worst game.

There is always something to do. Make new characters, there is tournaments PvP and other things. If for some reason they want to play something besides Classic Beta then there are other games to play.

Again I gave you very good reasons why not to. You couldn’t pay me enough money. There is nothing to do in Retail because nothing matters. It’s unplayable and nothing has a point so there remains “ZERO” reasons to do it. Oh there is new content you say? Again it doesn’t matter. If a game is garbage it is garbage. It’s hard to fix it when it was released as that. Rather be water boarded for an hour than be subjected to 10 mins of retail.

The streamers I do watch I only watch them play Classic because it is painful to watch someone play Retail. It burns my eyes. Retail died awhile ago and the nail is in that coffin. Just let it rest in peace. Blizzard admits they released a dumpster fire of a bad game with BFA. A new shiny patch won’t bring people back to play it. Everyone has already been betrayed, It has been labeled bad forever. It’s just too late.

If you want to play 8.2 great do it and maybe enjoy the GD forums however many here rather peel their skin off with a piece of paper than even play 1 min of Retail.


Jesus we get it you hate wow, loud and clear message heard and repeated “ad nauseum” Nobody should have this level of emotional attachment to a video game, you need help.


Apparently some people don’t get the message loud and clear so trying to paint a picture for you. The poster above doesn’t get it so filling him in on why “Millions” of players feel the same way. Just isn’t me.

Rather just discuss a great game like Classic but if people want to bring up something stupid like Retail here then we are gonna #$% all over that turd slot machine they tried to label as an MMO.

That is all and have a great day. I am enjoying my coffee gonna play some PoE and classic will be here soon enough for everyone who loves WoW to enjoy.

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You need help, you have to much emotional attachment to this video game.

I don’t need help, you don’t know me and I am having an awesome day.

You need help for thinking you know who is behind the keyboard. Let me tell you something " You don’t "

The forums are hilarious… always… again try to have a fun day. I know I will.

I’m pretty sure some of it is that the beta is so limited and going on for so long that people are just burnt out by hearing about how great things are. A 6 month closed beta? Who does that?

They just need to release the game already.

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Well there is lots of bugs and trying to ensure the amazing Vanilla experience and restore history isn’t an easy task. A lot has to be tested. This game is going to change the gaming world. It has to be done 100% right. It’s a big deal and testing each level cap accordingly, stress test, AV test etc. All go a long way.

The level cap will be raised again and other specific test will happen before launch. It’s ok to spend time on something making sure it is perfect. Better than releasing something bugged and unfinished like they do with Retail.

That’s because there hasn’t been classic streams in a week. Asmongold takes every other day off lately and Esfand and Soda are in Sweden at Dreamhack.

Yep. I didn’t get to play until 7pm last night and my server was PACKED. I got kicked off after creating a character so I closed battlenet and logged back in. I tested out starting zones for Orc, Undead and Human(on a different server because no cross faction on pvp servers) and all three were busy with people fighting for mobs. And across all three zones there was lots of “I am so done with BFA once this is live.” Take that for what it’s worth.

So at least Alliance and Horde agree on something. :wink:


And with all new games in the last 10 years, those are going to be some pissed off, disappointed people. Game companies now a days don’t even build a full experience to be played at launch. They count on people buying a half finished product in hopes they can provide content later down the road.


Its like anything else…its called advertising…its meant to build hype…remember how excited you were for BFA??? But now dread logging in…same thing with Classic…lol

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I tell you something else that has killed the hype big time… 67 days. They said get ready for a “classic summer”, well June and July are the height of summer. The tail end of August is the beginning of fall. When they said “classic summer” I figured I’d be playing by now, but instead… 67 days.

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Plus the fact that everyone played the game already. Watching the streams for a lot of people gave them their nostalgia fix and now it’s just back to being WoW.

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No one cares? Have you seen how Boralus and Stormwind is full of people right now in BFA? Compared to ghost town in Beta Classic’s Stormwind or Ironforge, we will be back to Classic somewhere in August.

I REPEAT, THERE IS NOTHING TO DO IN CLASSIC WHEN YOU ARE ON MAX LEVEL. The only game in Beta Classic that should be available right now is BGs. But nobody queues in BGs. I waited an hour on both WSG and AB in the afternoon and evening. Nobody’s in there. It’s like DEAD. Maybe exhausted from AV. Doing Scarlet Monastery and Razorefen Downs at level 40 cap is already boring after you did it few times. We wont know if they would raise the level cap. Why max out the professions if you dont know if they would continue Beta Classic.

But as of now, it’s all about 8.2. 2 new dungeons… flying, new stuffs. People goes to new stuffs. If BFA is Bad for you, thats your opinion. I dont hate Classic but I dont hate BFA. You thought BFA is bad but it’s not. Mythic+ and Heroic/Mythic Raiding is fun in BFA. If dont know how to get to that stage in BFA, it’s your fault. Sorry you were denied in Dungeon Finder. Sorry, we left you behind coz you were stucked. It’s not our fault.

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I think I’m MORE hyped since I was able to get into the test phase this go around. And yes, I think Horde will be where I end up in the start.

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