So what happened to Thrall family?

I remember during Cataclysm he had a wife. Then at the end of the Dragonsoul, Alextrasza touched her belly said there was more life coming insighting she was pregnant.

Then he left to live in nagrand and tell Saurfang his family was safe.

So when we get to see that kid already? Or did Blizzard cancelled it like they did with Medan?

They became acolytes or died to the Sword Logic.

Hold on

What game are we talking about?

World of Warcrap apparently.

His wife and two kids are alive and well.

Eventually, probably. They’re not very exciting yet.

Two? Where it’s said there’s two?


(maternal great-grandfather);
Garad, Geyah (paternal grandparents);
Kelkar, Zuura[11] (maternal grandparents);
Durotan, Draka (parents);
Ga’nar, Fenris Wolfbrother (paternal uncles), Lokra (maternal aunt), Karg Bloodfury (uncle-in-law);
Ryal (mother-in-law);
Aggra (life-mate);

Durak (son),[12] Rehze (daughter)


Thrall and his family went to live in Outlands. They are probably still there working the farm.


and he never met Tabitha (sp?) in the Shadowlands did he?

HIs wife was in Orgrimmar at launch of SL . On top of Grommash hold during the pre - patch

Maybe she was visiting to help serve soup to the forsaken. :woman_shrugging:

He’s been deployed with the army for over a year I’m sure by now his family has a step dad and doesn’t want him back.

Living in Nagrand for all we know.

Orcs don’t work that way. They’re like otters and wolves, mate for life.

It will all be explained in the next xpac titled “World of Warcraft: Son of Thrall VS The Murloc King (and some dragons)”

Enjoying life in Outland, remembering the good times.

Shamans get to see his son in Legion at the start of the Doomhammer legendary artifact quest. Thrall and Aggra are standing by the well and their son is running circles around it.

If you watch the first 30 seconds of this video you can see him.