Cause a lot of that seems to be going on.
Blizz needs to bring back downvoting
Does liking make a topic more visible?
Not that I’m aware no. It also doesn’t prevent it being being hidden.
There can’t be a penalty for “false flagging” because they rely on the subjective opinions of the users to identify inappropriate posts. Thus, it is impossible to prove a flag is false or malicious and impose a penalty for doing it.
On the hand, its easy to prove when someone abuses the reporting system.
What are you basing that on?
so you decided to discuss moderation. welcome to banland.population:people that discuss it. like there;s a reason you bought this up and its obviously not because you geniunely are concerned about false flagging.
The Mods will punish you for Spam Flagging - if you flag the same poster/person many times, using multiple Alts.
However, False Flagging - just flagging something one time on one character because you dislike it - probably won’t ever be punishable.
Clicked a thread about flagging to see it flagged and opened it to see simply that there’s a lot of flags.
well i mean. sigh he didnt bring it up because hes genuinely curious. all im gonna say.
I’m being very surface level. Just felt like a gag or something.
They need to up my limit on flags for trolling, is what they need to do.
There is a penalty for false flagging. I got hit with it a year-ish ago when I flagged a death threat against Blizz. Took me two appeals before they said, “We didn’t think the wording was that bad, but we’ll lift the sanction.”
(In reality, it was that bad.)
Also: they track by IP and account stuff. So they will do it if it becomes an issue. I know someone who is perma-banned for doing it with trolling posts.
Now’a days, I come on the forums for a bit and the first reply I get that is a fallacy or a bait to get me to argue, I just put the person on ignore and leave for the day.
People really need to check the nonsense they are trying to say. Take English classes. Are you going in circles? Do you have a point? Are you spouting out fallacies? Do you make sense? Do you have reading comprehension? Do you have proper grammar, can you format? You might need to go back to school.
Alt spamming reports should be looked into more though.
Reporting and flagging should be removed from the game/forum completely. If you don’t like something some has said simply ignore them. Why do we need blizzard to treat us like a bunch of four year olds?
Blizzard don’t seem to care. 
If your legitimately docile thread or positivity thread gets brought down & removed too – I’ve been told by a GM in a ticket that once it’s been brought down, it cannot be revived either: Not even to look at or view the commentary in the thread to reflect & point out such.
So I suppose we just have to accept that it’s now:
- “Long live the toxicity forums! Long may they reign with Blizzard saluting their supremacy & squashing any resistance of sane validity or kindness, and cast them out into the shadows once more!”
Ask yourself, why are you getting so many “false” flags.
This statement is slightly disingenuous considering how people can false flag you for not sharing the same opinion or if they want to troll. Also, you do see the thread has been false flagged, right? did that not occur to you when you wrote this?