I remember seeing all this hype about it, but not anymore, do people still play it?
economy breaking bug… is bad
That was the problem. The game was severely overhyped and didn’t deliver up to players expectations. There were warning signs long before the game launched that it wasn’t going to do well. The economy breaking bugs were just icing on the cake.
People still play it though. It still has 100k+ average players online, but it’s @ 1/3rd the population size it had 2 months ago.
It did the classic thing all MMOs that oppose WoW do.
Exist for more than a month
This is the first AAA MMORPG I’ve seen that only lasted a month. The others lasted at least a year or longer. FF14 is the only one that has only grown from its original population.
Honestly same here, that’s why I was confused but now it all makes sense. I was originally going to buy it but I decided to wait and see instead of jumping on that hype train and I’m glad I waited lool
It’s just not finished yet. They probably should have held it back a year.
I’d bet on it pulling a No Mans Sky a year from now. It’s not nearly as bad as the forums are portraying it.
Soooo here is the scoop.
Brief rundown for me, I love mmos. I have been looking for another mmo to play casually as WoW is/will be my main mmo. I played pretty much all the other main stream mmos and SWTOR was the only one that held my interest for a long time and i still re-activate my account after every few content updates since they don’t take long to finish.
Anyways. New World is a DIFFERENT mmo. It is a pvp first with sandbox elements and player run economy which is huge.
I can go into a loooong post on pros and cons but let’s say this. If you aren’t a fan of grinds, working for your gear, having to do MAJOR grinds to get higher “ilvl” (in NW it is gear score) no raids, no end game but pvp or running certain places to just loot chests, then NW isn’t for you.
There are NO mounts first off so I am sure 70% already won’t like it. You HAVE to grind your professions. ALL of them. It isn’t “pick 2 of 10”. You need to max all. Soooo just for harvesting you need 10,000+ trees to farm to just get that. Crafting there are a bunch you need to max and takes forever. Gathering takes forever. Etc. The game is dependent on the “AH aka Trading Post”.
Anyways i can go on but if you whine about your free gear here, any rep or other grinds, etc. then NW is NOT for you. There are no raids. You have to craft max level dungeons orbs which is a lot of grinding for just 1 orb which means you can only run it once unless you join a group with someone who has an orb. Once you hit max level your Gear Score is 500 but 600 is max. SO have fun grinding till your eyes bleed to work up to 600. Not like WoW where raids, m+ etc. GIVE you your higher ilvl aka in NW gs
And then comes the dupes which killed the economy (multiple times) and shutting down the Trading Post causing everyone’s source of income and to upkeep their house 2 times etc.