So what did the allied races do during BFA?

So as far as we know it if we followed all the quests from all new race leaders we saw the most of Magister Umbric. Infact you can say he carried the alliance storyline as much as Jaina did it and without his void powers the whole campaign of defeating the Zandalari had never happened. That brings me to my issue. Where did the Mag’har, Nightborne or Highmountain Tauren show up? Geya’rah was just as new as the MU is yet she barley had a presence up to the end of the expansion when everyone decided to ditch Sylvanas. I feel like the new additions to the red team were fairley underdeveloped and could have done so much more to help us on our way in the first two patches. Anyone else is with me on this?

Mostly the faction assaults. Such as Mag’har throwing goren, Nightborne blown up by their own mana extractor, or the Highmountain eagle bringing you and escaping from the flying bases. :robot::bomb:

Oculeth was the MVP of the Honorbound. :medal_military::robot:

My only thoughts are that the mag’har could’ve been more important. Especially for Sylvanas to manipulate. :robot::thought_balloon:

The Nightborne were shown to have participated more than some of the core races of the Horde in Battle for Azeroth.

  • Thalyssra participated in the effort to extract Saurfang along with Rokhan and Lasan Skyhorn, which became the mission to aid Talanji.

  • Oculeth assisted with his telemancy in Zuldazar.

  • Valtrois teamed up with Rexxar to aid the Horde infiltrate Tol Dagor. Valtrois’ illusion magic disguised her as a Kul Tiran and allowed her entry into the prison.

Personally, I’m glad the Nightborne weren’t shown as eager to assist Sylvanas during the events of Battle for Azeroth.


Allied races were the selling point of Bfa so them barley showing up during the juicy parts of the story feels odd.

The real question is: where were and what did the true allied races of the Horde for the Four War (Dragonmaw Orcs, Forest Trolls, Taunka, Grimtotem Tauren, Mag’har Orcs from Outland, Ogres and Mok’nathal)?

They aren’t playable so they don’t matter. Blizzard always adds stuff that is relevant for the current story. And I have a feeling we will see Taunka in Last Titan next time.

Playable or not, they are a part of the Horde so they matter and mostly when you’re in a global war. They are in the Horde so it’s natural to help the Horde in a war. Also Forest Trolls, Ogres, Mag’har Orcs from Outland and Taunka should have been a part of the allied races for the Horde.

Quite a bit on the Darkshore battle front.

I didn’t see any NPCs there really.

Yes but Blizzard can’t show everyone at the same time and they were eager to make sure everyone knows that Umbric is cool or sth.

Unless they are handy for something, Allied races are essentially “one and done”.


Considering they doubled the amount of choices we have with the race creator I feel a bit bad we didn’t get more time with them.