Update. Staying dk!
- Icefury gone or at the very least made into a passive and electrified shock gone Yes
- some way to cleave 2 - 3 target Not really , depends how lightning side works we’ll see
- lvb scaling with Crit Nope, maybe ascendance being easier to pick will help that
- AOE scaling with mastery without having to spec into it (or high in the tree) Yes ? Not sure why mountains will fall is still a thing with new mastery though
- defensive defensive defensive Yes
- if no new raid buff , let us mimic the existing one and be jack of all trades Yes
- reduce lvb procs yes
- make fire elemental a real cd it’s better at least
- make Ascendance a real cd for both lighting and fire meh, descent for fire maybe
- rework Dre rng fiesta nope
- a way to spread flame shock Nope
- pw replacing flame shock completely if spec into it ( would solve cleave issue) Nope
- Eq feeling more impactful Yet to be seen
- make nature swiftness actually impactful if It is to stay Nope
- rework ankh in being some kind of cheat death Nope
Still missing a bunch of things but i’d say the major offender aka icefury / raid buff and defensives have been addressed.
I think those two can simply solved by having Pwave apply Flameshock to the target AND 5 other targets. Leaving Flame Shock and Liquid Magma would be backups for tanks doing wild movement or if a mob charges somebody before the Flameshock applies. You would have bind (oh no) but you also have a variety of options that are there in case crap happens. Enhance would also benefit from this too.