So were on the cusp of BGs

But do we know when AV or WSG weekend will be occuring? I want to get the AV rep grind over with as quickly as possible.

I heard rumor of AV weekend is first starting this coming weekend.


You are the type of player that they catered to, thereby ruining the game over time.


Im the type of player that has been playing Vanilla for several years. This isn’t new. AV is for the rep rewards. It’s god awful for honor and anyone who wants to be efficient knows this.

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My point is that many of us play certain parts of the game because we actually enjoy that part of the game, and what is earned via play is secondary to the experience.

You want to get the rep grind over ASAP, do you even enjoy the BG?


Sounds like he enjoys collectable card games.

Boy, that escalated quickly. Why so mad, bro? End of p2 gankfest got you down or something?

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Too bad my new classic main is only 37 oh to be 51 and level in AV.

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I enjoyed the old pre-nerf version yes. Which progressive private servers did great on. But the fact of the matter is that we are not getting that. The version we’re getting, inherently makes way for the zerg strat for efficiency, and we can’t change that. You might aswell take it for what it is and get the rep grind over. To me it is not worth getting locked into 2 to 3 hour turtlefests when i can play several games of WSG and AB for better honor.

The ire at those who just want loot as quickly as possible has always been a thing. I would not consider it an escalation.

As for P2? I leveled from 46 to 60 during P2 on a not-horde-stacked server, as a HK pinata warrior. No point scored for you.

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Damn, do I get a second swing?

Zoomers got you down…I get it.

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What kind of player is that? Vanilla players?

I love AV. I will do the rep there first and then the others. I will then return to AV and spend most of my BG time there. To each their own.

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Many of those that played during vanilla convinced blizzard to make bad changes. Many of us fought against those changes during vanilla. The result is what the game became over the past 15 years. The game many of us loathe. :man_shrugging:

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And the rest of us play loot centric, reward driven games like Classic WoW.

“We are on the cusp…” or “We’re on the cusp…” So lazy. Dear Lord this generation…

I mean I hope you are, like, 15 or something and not an adult writing like that.

And BG weekends is the hill you’ve chosen to die on? lol

Should I run WSG during AV weekends out of protest? Is that what you want?

Where on the cusp.

You are a monster.


Pretty large logic leap there. You seem to be the type of player that makes this community toxic.

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