So, we gonna talk about how Blizzard "Un-Nerfed" the Zandalari Regeneratin' Racial?

Dont play innocent here. Your whole " My suggestion is this. Instead of “For the Alliance!” Blizzard should just pay Nintendo for the rights to use this sound effect " is what I’m responding and that one isn’t just dubious, its downright insulting.

How does one respond to a post before a post is made? Consider me curious since I didn’t post that until much later, after someone else engaged in attack-dog nonsense and elicited the canned response I give to anyone who gets testy about the game.

As I see it, it’s like Cinderella mate. If the shoe fits, wear it.

I am not sure what you are talking about. My reponse to that, and the reference to EMFH, happened after that post.

The hypocrisy, that you would consider that fitting for the Alliance when the shoe was on the other foot the Horde did the same and I expect will do the same if we end up with racial buffed later on.

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everyone go to wowhead and look up dark iron dwarf racials and void elf racials. then go look at nightborne racials and maghar orc racials. and realize we had to unlock these. legit the only reason you play a maghar is because you want to be brown, or a priest.

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I think continuing dialogue with you is going to be an exercise in futility.

Have a wonderful day friend.

For everyone else’s reference, here is the post that he intentionally didn’t respond to.

I’ve said it before, and I’ll say it again. This really needs to become the new Alliance Warcry (and Horde if they were to ever start griping the same way) where it relates to Forum posts. I would literally donate $5 to Blizzard if it allowed them buy the licensing rights from Nintendo.

Folks will note I stated that Alliance (and Horde) should have this as their forum warcry, if they whine about such insubstantial things. He didn’t quote it because it straight up blows his later rambling about me targeting the Alliance exclusively out of the water.

My point is simple. People regardless of faction should not get frothy with rage over a game.

Raids =/= PVP

Getting an Heroic Raid Piece for something that doesn’t require much should’ve never been given in the first place.

So? It’s working as intended then. If we’re never outnumbered as you literally just said it that means the level of Horde participation is low, which is strange because the majority of Horde posting here tout that the Horde inherently keep warmode on?

The bonuses ARE even. With the way Overwhelming Odds works, the Horde also have the chance to earn the ilvl 385 gear. It’s not a faction exclusive system, so what even is your argument about the bonuses not being even?

You keep repeating that it’s “free” gear even though I’ve literally proved three times that it’s not free. You have to participate in wpvp to earn your gear. If you’re incapable of understanding something basic I literally don’t know what to say in all honesty.

Are you actually this stupid? You’re saying that someone whose geared much higher than another person who isn’t doesn’t have an advantage over them? They do have an advantage, and I’m not quite sure how this actually proves your point. Again, if you’re going to say that the quest is a “bribe” then ultimately, you concede that the SOLE reason why people raid, dungeon, or participate in any PvP content for that matter is based in bribery with gear. If you don’t agree, you’re being logically inconsistent.

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It’s close to impossible to use in PVP, unless you end a fight with no one around you (with no dots). I’ve only used it a handful of time in PVE. I don’t feel that it’s really overpowered.

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Ok, alt.


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Holy crap I was literally making it so obvious with the CAPS, BOLD and ITALICS.

The fact you have the audacity to call me low IQ when you let that slip and try to play it off? There’s no level of hypocrisy or “I was just trolling” excuse to save you. My god. “A couple sandwiches short of a picnic” wouldn’t scrap the proverbial surface that is your stupidity.

Please for the love of god, stop while you’re light years behind. I’m honestly starting to feel pity for you…

(/sap and /blind if it’s a demon hunter)
Yeah… Continue making a fool of yourself…

I understand how the system works. Alliance got it because they didn’t want to put in the extra effort of having to PvP. The Horde didn’t.

I literally gave up after reading this far and I have the patience of a saint. Your IQ has to be roughly room tempture to make posts this bad. I pray you’re just trolling, but even then the best trolls can’t make posts this asinine. Jesus H Christ.


Getting mass-flagged because I trigger people with facts kek

I literally wasn’t even playing anything off. I’m asserting that because you have no facts or data to present to actually support your point that you devolve into dumb memes without even bothering to be clever in the slightest. Honestly, I would laugh at your joke if it had at least some bearing on reality but it’s worthless, it speaks to nothing other than you being triggered beyond all belief.

Ok you can’t argue against this point, so you concede this one, let’s move forward.

This is why I spec into Rend.

You don’t because because I had to explain it four times for you, and even then you still don’t understand it.

What a smart but not actually smart way of reframing the argument to fit your narrative. We received a bonus to warmode because there was an imbalance in the number of people in warmode. This literally has nothing to do with the Alliance inherently not wanting to do PvP. This has to do more with the fact that overall there are more Horde players than Alliance players, which causes a positive feedback loop of more players turning off warmode after a while because of a slight imbalance.

Here’s an example of what I’m talking about:

Bonus Meme: Mass flagging by triggered people who resort to deplatforming instead of actually trying to argue out a point in a logical manner.


TL;DR just have the last word I’m done


It’s never wrong to be ignorant.

It’s just wrong to keep passing forward misinformation and points that aren’t backed by data or actual reasoning.

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Come back to me when they can ignore entire waves of reaping or entire sections of dungeon mobs. Until they have the same OP ability as NELFs you cant talk. As for now this regen ability is ok at best.

I would prefer that gift be buffed, actually. For one, it’s only 20%, not 25, so if even a single tick of Regeneratin’ goes off, it has matched Gift, except as already stated can only be cast on self. A second tick goes off, and now it vastly outweighs gift. 2 ticks is a reasonable amount to assume will usually go off if it’s used with any sort of intelligence.

By contrast, with my most played alt being a Draenei Holy paladin that I consistently do 10-13 m+ in, there is very seldom ever a time worth using gift unless I’m using it just to use it up. It’s never enough to save a life because it is both too small, too slow, and too seldom available.

Naaru has been bad long before the new racials, so let’s just fix that rather than tearing something else down.

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Maybe the mass flagging was made there because of you insulting someone within your post without you even noticing it.


Horde story is garrosh 2.0 this expansion. Good one. /s

Nah, that can’t be it. He argues nothing but facts. No ad hominem here, folks!


Ion, in his own words, audibly and visually forever recorded on the internet, said it was likely a mistake to let AOO go live as it did. AOO is unfair to horde because there is absolutely nothing they can do to earn that reward, it’s up to us Alliance to decide to opt into WM enough to give it to them.

The only one here who seems to be ignorantly unaware is you.
You are the worst kind of internet person there is, putting people down smugly as if you have the answers when you don’t even comprehend the topic.

Tell me how. How does horde earn this right now? What can THEY do?
And if your answer is that to earn the pvp reward, they have to all turn off pvp, then you are actually reaffirming that the person who you put down for being “wrong” and “stupid” is actually entirely correct in the brokenness of the system.

Please go to therapy.


It’s allied races, their new ones… they will just leave it like this for some years so they sell.
You might think they are still “having meetings about their numbers”, but these things have been decided at least 1 year before they go live.

arguing with this guy is like playing chess with a pigeon… they knock the pieces over, then poop on the board and then strut around like they won.