So we found a FOV change, and Blizzard are already fixing it to limit back to 90

I’d say something nasty, but than I would be banned. Why even bother doing anything with this game anymore? You don’t fix game breaking bugs, but when you make a good, possibly unintended, but good change that actually helps people and not just ‘exploiting’ their view, you start to look at how to change it back less than a day later?

I really enjoy 120 FOV, it feels better, I can see more, I don’t need to keep panning my camera up and down to deal with the name plates, I don’t need to keep panning side to side to see the enemies I need to tank and hold aggro, last nights raid felt GREAT because I didn’t need to move my camera as much and felt I could perform better and afterwards didn’t have a headache or feel sick.


Yes, if I do too much high movement content for extended periods I feel sick, so do I stop playing? Well yes, yes I do actually. But I also enjoy raiding and spending time with my friends, is it a crime to ask to have some changes to allow me to not feel like crap after raiding?


The true raiding experience.


I mean I seem to recall them changing it intentionally once upon a time ago with the explicit reason NOT to give you too much field of vision.

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Yeh something something exploiting the mechanics.

But than there are players who have been asking for a long time to make it easier for those with impairments, a good portion of the playing base, and after reading through the Wowhead comments you can see basically everyone wants this change to stay.

Some may be lying about it being for health related reasons, but you can’t argue that it does certainly help that. So what can they do? Limit the FOV until world first finished mythic raiding, limit FOV in arena and ranked matches, but don’t limit something for players who are barely able to push an M15 for absolutely no gains, which is the primary playing base, players who don’t push high keys, high ranks and cutting edge raiding.


What use is an increased FOV in an MMORPG with single line tracked content? Do you really need to see the trees far left of you? Do you REALLY need to see the fox far right of you? Or the indescribably easy bird directly above you?

It won’t help in any capacity.

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I use 120 on simple things like some mounts I got makes the ride so much better. Definitely use it on the jellyfish I fished up in zereth and class halls shaman mounts.


Now with that same logic, there is no downside to allowing it.

But in actual usage, it makes me not feel as cramped, suffocated, claustrophobic.

why you telling people they don’t need it? :frowning:


I’m not arguing exploting the mechanics or anything like that. Just simply saying that once upon a time ago, we had the ability to console set this value to absurd levels and Blizzard eventually decided that was going away with the reason being they wanted the FOV to be a thing and something they can design mechanics around…so suddenly gaining more was certainly not likely to stay.

Quite frankly, I’m about tired of everyone trying to claim everything is an “accessibility issue”. People are just bad and need to see mechanics coming at them from farther away to compensate for their poor reaction time in dealing with them because they also know they got other addons like DBM and big wigs to scream bloody murder at them if they’re in something bad they otherwise wouldn’t see.

Again though, I remember when Blizzard limited the FOV initially and, at least at the time, they intentionally were doing so because they wanted the limited FOV to be a mechanic they could use in their design space for encounters so it isn’t surprising at all to see them nip this in the bud.


That’s the argument people bring forward with increased FOV. You don’t need to see more on screen in a game that plays on cooldowns rather than consistent action.

Even in games like COD, high FOV provides higher vision at the cost of everything being smaller meaning visually speaking makes hitting smaller appearing targets harder.

WoW ultimately doesn’t need an FOV slider, we have a zoom slider which literally does the same thing anyway.


Why can’t you use an existing feature called your scroll wheel to zoom out? If you demand more of the game world to exist on your screen, try getting advanced settings addon or /console your zoom to the games max multiplier of 2.6.

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Super FoV in 3s is soo op lol, no pointing in not using it at all.
Its also incredible OP for epic bgs and raid fights.

Feels like if you are not using it you are playing the game wrong.

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Because the max zoom doesn’t give as much view as max FOV? Have you even tried it? You see a massive difference, and it especially helps when out in the overworld to not feel like you are stuck up the bum of your mount. It really does help those prone to motion sickness and bad eye sight.

Like when I am on my tauren and mount my fire hawk mount the wings almost touch both side of my screen even at max zoom, the constant rocking of the sky golem and other mounts that have lots of movement, it makes me not want to use them when half my screen has a mount moving all over it, but it’s much more usable when you can see a lot more of the area not constantly having those types of movements on your screen.

Yeh that’s why I suggested somewhere that maybe limit FOV basically to PVE content only.

Honestly if Blizzard wanted to have that Witcher style camera where we were up and over the shoulder the whole time than they would have designed it that way to begin with, but they didn’t, they gave us a zoom function and other console commands and now we have Ion telling us “No it was designed to be played this way”.

Seriously he needs to step aside in some aspects and stop trying to make this game the way he wants it, it’s not his game, yes he is in charge, it does not mean he can make the game exactly how he wants it because we pay his bills and slowly slowly the more changes he makes to bring the game to his own vision the less people we end up having.

P.S. I have seen players walk out over little things like this. Years and years of asking for something to be told “No it cannot be done” and than they randomly screw up, we find out it can be done, than they turn around and make some random excuse just to put it back. It’s 100% corporate speak, companies do it all the time telling people something cannot be done, than when they either make a mistake or their hand is forced they come out trying to make it seem like they are the good guys.


Are…are you okay?

He is just my alter ego saying what I want to say, but doesn’t care about the bans that come with it. (No seriously I have no idea who this guy is, but I do admire what he said because sometimes it needs to be said)

OP literally says that 90 FOV and needing to constantly move the camera around makes them sick and you come barrelling in with:

“wHy dO yOu NeEd iT? iT wOn’T HeLp YoU!”

Maybe read the OP fully next time before you say something stupid.


Dinosaurs on the dev team think having a good fov is somehow exploitable, I assume.

Let’s be real: if FoV trivializes a mechanic, it was a garbage mechanic anyway.


I just think Ion has been on a power trip since WoD and has been trying to force us to play the game the way he wants us to to try and mimic how classic was while pushing out game play that gives measurable KPI’s of the players, keep himself and the board happy.


I’m not concerned about the FOV one way or another really, but I do think this situation says a LOT about the developers’ priorities regarding bugs and fixes, and none of what it says is good.


The ONLY reason for mechanical limits like camera settings is to create artificial difficulty. The excuse of it being the way they design the art is utter nonsense.

I’m so sick of being lied to.


the ´/console camerafov 120´ still work for me