So we can’t upgrade season 1 items anymore…

Why not make it so that past season items are the same for upgrading as they are for catalyzing, and you can upgrade them without needing currencies?


100% false. There is no S2 m+, there is no new raid, there heroic/Mythic crest for S2 gear. We are still in S1 season. Your own timeline and blue post also confrim this when it clearly saids Season 2 starts on March 4. Don’t throw BS when you don’t even bother checking what you guys posted earlier


Here is hoping. Need to complete my heroic tier set for my evoker.


what they said is true, world content (rares and weekly pinnacle caches) gives s2 gear. I have a couple pieces of vet gear already from the caches.

I do still think that old gear should be upgradable for free.


I mean realistically the improvement would be to let everyone know this was going to happen, again I know I started way late into the season to do 10s but had I known I wouldn’t be able to upgrade it today I would of just told my friends to wait and let’s not because it’s not like we can upgrade anyways. I really appreciate your response and it does make sense, just was bummed out is all. I thought I would have at least one more week.


if its like previous seasons, you will be able to catalyze old season gear without taking up the current season catalyst currency


Honestly, the whole thing is goofy. Aside from the rightful complaints from most people here, it doesn’t really make much sense that equipment from this expansion stops being usable just because it’s a new season. Same expansion, same currency. Why, if I’m still using Valorstones, would you zero out my existing Valorstones and then tell me to go earn some … Valorstones??? Why, if I’m still playing War Within, does the Hero trinket I got yesterday become a paperweight? You guys get DOGE’d or something?


This was an absolute fail and cruel to waste the time of people who would have likely adjusted their focus and playtime last week into something else had they known. I’m normally very forgiving of most of the choices made by the devs but this absolutely should have been communicated better or there should have been some sort of compensation made for things like the vault.


Communication is key. I went from planning to blast as much transmog this week to disappointment. S1 catalyst still isn’t even uncapped either.

I’m still excited for 11.1 regardless. Just a big bummer.


I had several charges on the catalyst that I used to mog season 1 gear. I’m assuming those weren’t season 1 charges and I just wasted my season 2 charges? If so, this would be extremely frustrating.

At least we will still have free Catalyst for season 1 items next week? (I’m relieved that I had already left my Warrior’s items in 623)

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Yeah, that’s the allure & point of MMO’s

new season uses a new currency, I remember this from going from s3 DF to s4 I had to update my catalyst charge tracking WA to the new currency

It’s still not too late to remove valorstones from the game.


Which is standard, except you cut us off last night for no reason. I ask that you don’t turn off crests early next time.

It’d be nice to just either let us cap the items without S1 crests/stones during this period in the future, cap them for us, and ideally, give us unlimited catalyst charges at the end of the season.


So I did or didn’t waste my charges?

it is kind of weird people can chase ksm/ksh but can’t upgrade their gear…


Communication, communication, communication. While it makes sense I am pretty sure this is the first we’re haring of this. (Someone correct me if I am wrong).


oh, groovy! thank you!

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I achieved. I received one charge normally and got 1 transmog.