Yep, I’m salty since my vault finally gave me trinkets and they are all downgrades without upgrading.
Oops. Busted.
(My spreadsheets are also color-coordinated.)
I just used the catalyst, but I definitely can’t upgrade.
Edit: catalyst doesn’t work for season 2 gear dropping from the main quests. Sucks.
You literally can. I just still takes S1 charges. Same way it worked with old season gear in DF.
I also got bis trinket in my vault this week worthless now
Well that sucks.
I swear I tried and it was all greyed out, I’ll try again, I logged in as soon as realms were up so maybe it was a bug. Not sure.
Should let us upgrade these old pieces.I haven’t finished my s1 sets because I had to wait for charges
still would be nice that if they are going to keep draining our crests, valorstones, and now the delve currencies that they compensate players for the stuff with idk a bag of gold or something. Always drives me nuts having loads of the currency one day and next it’s gone as if someone robbed my wallet of them. I didn’t have enough valorstones to use up all my crests and it’d be wonderful if we could send crests to alts as I hate sitting on a few hundred of one of them but unable to spend them due to valorstone shortage
They do convert it to gold. It’s just at a very small rate.
Hmm…must be a real small rate as I’ve barely noticed the added gold
This is not correct. I changed the gloves I got from today’s vault to tier…
It is a pittance. Something like 10s per 1 currency or something ridiculous like that.
Hi. i’ve been playing since 2009 and no it never was like that. The emblem change was always on the day the next season was live. It took me all day to do 8 +10 keys to get a decent vault today. If I had know I wouldnt have wasted my time like that. More and more i am really getting tired of playing not because I dont enjoy the game… because of all those changes they do without care and with no intelligent purpose whatsoever… why even have a vault if we cant even upgrade the pieces? they shoulve told us and deactivated those things. I could’ve farmed mounts or level up toons instead… now I lost all this time, couldve take the token for gold… no im stuck with a 623 pair of tier pants I cant upgrade cause they were 1 week too quick. why even play this week? nooooooooo less and less they care… and make very bad decisions…
Figured, I used all my currencies a couple days ago.
I’d recommend not leaving things to the last minute in the future.
Sucks that I can’t upgrade, my rogue FINALLY got her hero Tier piece but I can’t upgrade it to unlock the transmog
This mostly could have been avoided if Blizzard had simply communicated this to us.
I went on the assumption that no news meant they weren’t messing with currencies until next week. Very disappointed today to log and see every vault worthless.
Nothing today dealing with currencies makes sense. I see no reason why these currencies need to go away at all. Put them in a season one tab and call it a day. Why do we lose all the valorstones we already earned? Just to go grind them again? What sense does that make?
very disappointing. Got a piece of mythic I could use, but can’t upgrade. What’s the point of letting us loot the vault this week? It is worse than my fully upgraded heroic. I guess it will just get replaced in RLF or normal anyway, just kind of a bummer.
The bigger lolz is that doing the new zone earns you valorstones, but for season 2 lmao.
it should be limitless with a new season