As a member of the Ret Community;
I’d like to apologize and say; We do not claim this man.
It is. There’s a reason Ret is used by most players as a shortened and legal version of a longer, very mean word.
The only people defending it are the ones getting carried by double bubbles spammable offensives and being the only ranged melee spec in the game.
20 yard range on everything but Crusader Strike… what a joke man lol
lmao are you still crying about it? sounds like a skill issue
Ya while I like the range on some of my abilities I think 10 yard (the original range) would be much healthier than the 20.
You reported someone for calling you trash dude lol for real just be a man about your disagreement don’t get emotional and overwhelmed
I wish ret would get one more round of nerfs. Even if small.
I’ve quite PvPing because its the new hunter. So boring to see 2-3 rets every SS lobby and 4-5 every bg.
lol. Right dude. Do you know how many times I have been suspended for less? If you want to talk trash, be a man and face the consequences. What, are they going to cry over a little suspension?