So was ret nerfed today or no?

Well, you have started a topic about further nerfs, mate. As a 16+ ret main i have seen ups and downs. What was in DF is a replica of SL, if you remember divine toll + ringing clarity shenanigans. Same was with decree pre nerfs : sera+wings, FR + Rdecree >>> boom, dead. Then came nerf hammer and spec was dead for a few months. I managed to push elite in 10.0.5 and i was a dummy in every lobby. It was literally a survival games. Healers in high mmr lobbies were even joking about “save the ret” challenges.

I was monitoring ptr with ret community and we saw 500k JV crits. We saw them adding unneeded modifiers such as 2 stacks of dusk and dawn (couldn’t stack pre rework), vanguard of justice (could simply delete this talent). They ignored the feedback and ended up nerfing our survivability and utility with damage altogether just to please the community.

What we have been asking for years is mobility and decent survivability. But now fading light is dead, reprieve barely heals, jv is gutted, FoL is nerfed heavily. So all we do is the same 1 minute bot playstyle : wings + FR >> boom, boom. Not dead? Afk 40 secs, repeat, win.

And from this wednesday till 10.1 ret is indeed weaker (sensable). But recent ptr had buffs to HoW (16%). And i already see a new build being viable with 2 charges of HoW and new set (both 2p and 4p). So more whiny posts inc of RDD paladin killing from 20-30y range in 10.1.