It absolutely is. You cant be a low utility class with less dps than high utility classes and expect much. If it wasnt for the imp commanding shout having a smaller radius you’d see 0 warriors entirely in any prog run with a good guild.
That’s you guys doing what you do.
I cleared everything in Wrath as a Warrior MT and was one of many who did. Nobody failed to down a boss because of their MT/OT class choices.
Please buff frost mages and Sub rogues.
That is all.
Yeah, prot warrior is more than capable, but people go for the braindead easy option that you can let die every 2 mins without punish.
So yeah, a guild using a prot pal might skip a few wipes here and there, so people overwhelmingly choose them.
There’s nothing really stopping warrior tanks from doing it though.
Warriors aren’t going to be left out in ICC. Your damage is fine, and you are the best source of +health.
Enjoy your guaranteed raid slot during progression.
It shows nothing lol.
PTR representation lololololol.
Oh my what a pathetic stance. I value Facebook likes more than that
This is the same with all specs that are optimally only played as a singular, boomkin, spriest, warr, retri, disc, r sham, r druid, frost dk, demo warlock, combat rogue, enhance etc etc,
“demo lock is bad”
“oh, why?”
“because if they didn’t have demonic pact you wouldn’t bring one”
what would happen if they didn’t have something that makes them mandatory to bring is irrelevant because…they have it
I’m shocked your post has sat here for 8 hours without Abralan suggesting that your demo lock use an imp and replace the warrior… again.
Learn to play your class and spec and you won’t have to depend on monster buffs for a spot.
Don’t speed run guilds bring a prot warrior? That MUST mean they are broken and people need to use them right? We base everything off of only the top .1% of players.
PTR data shows under 1% of the 25 man hardmode kills were done with a warrior
the content is actually hard, and using a bad tank class like warrior makes it even harder
youre just wrong, look at the PTR data
less than 1% used warrior lol
That… doesn’t actually mean that prot warriors are bad though.
I mean, prot warrior IS worse than prot paladin when the bosses hit hard. It’s not surprising that people overwhelmingly prefer prot paladin over prot warrior. Ardent Defender is actually stupid.
Warriors are definitely capable tanks. They just aren’t the best, which means they are virtually unused in today’s meta.
And this is where the real balance should happen.
If players were genuinely interested in balance and not just getting a personal boost from the Devs they’d be championing a change to AD.
Either a nerf to AD or giving AD to Wars as well. I champion the unpopular option of a nerf, because cheat death mechanics are cheesy imo.
Prot warrior is a fun tank spec to play, and capable. It’s just objectively inferior to Prot Pally. Changing this would single handedly resolve the under representation of the Warrior class. Fury has decent representation but Prot is woefully under represented.
Oh I agree, but this doesn’t make prot warriors bad
Yeah, I don’t think anyone disagrees that either ardent defender needs a rework or it needs to be spread around to everyone.
who doesn’t love the ferals getting buffed and remain buffed /s.
They aren’t “mid” they are bottom of the barrel.
You do know its the way they did wrath . Fury warriors and Destro locks got nerfed every patch . As there gear got good there dps went way up in a original wrath . Wrath started on last patch for wrath I am not sure but think Warriors got nerfed half way though ICC too its been a few years .
they’ve been climbing up from day 1. also someone has to be at the bottom
Because you’re not #1 doesnt make you bottom of the barrel. Because you now have competition for a legendary doesnt make you bottom of the barrel.
Furies are s-tier. You beat out DKs now ffs.
Stop spreading fake news that you’re f-tier.