So, War Within, Which spec

Looking for the perspective of players whoa re completely up to date with the current changes and trends on warlock.

Which spec do you think is best for PvE and PvP right now moving into war within?

I’ve played Affliction ever since they changed the Classic Warlock way way back. I have always preferred the insta-cast DoTs etc. Became much less of a fan once they introduced Malefic Rapture and the reliance on that mechanism for damage. However I kept playing it because I didnt like the longer cast times of destro.

After season 1 they killed Affliction in DF for me…with the change to talent tree structure I could no longer play the build I liked - so i gave up and started playing a hunter instead. The burst damage and high output of the hunter was much better for me.

Tried Destro recently and have actually quite enjoyed it and the damage production. I still dislike what I feel is a lack of mobility but my numbers have been higher than affliction. That being said, I havnt gone back yet to try Affliction since they nerfed Destro recently because it was apparently too OP

I am also not sure how Destro plays in PvP. Feels like it would be fairly restricted in movement and more like a turret without good instants.

What does the community feel is the best go-to right now with the class?

malefic rapture suck!


This almost entirely depends on what level of content you’re doing. For reference, I’m speaking strictly to PVE, not PVP.

If you’re doing more casual content, play whatever spec you want. Any spec can get AOTC, any spec can get their weekly keys done for vault. Hell, later in the season any spec can get CE.

The only time it matters is if you’re pushing content very hard, and in that case you don’t just pick one spec, you’re ready to play all 3 depending on what the fight (and your specific roster) dictates.

So play what you want unless you’re pushing content at the highest level, then play them all!

I believe all 3 specs are competitive in PvE, with affliction being the strongest at the moment. PvP I think people are really enjoying affliction’s wither and massive nightfall shadowbolts [There’s a venruki youtube video on it]

So all in all I think affliction is winning the min-max but everything is actually viable, and not in a “play what your heart tells you” kind of way


Also just to add something to this really fast, we’re still weeks out from heroic and mythic raiding and the start of the season, there’s 100% going to be a ton more tuning passes that happen and things can change 100%. Might not, but it can. So nothing is really set in stone yet!

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destro is not close to afflic or demo

For those who are interested, here are the sims I’ve seen:

Demonology - 1.396M
Affliction - 1.386M
Destruction - 1.252M

Destruction isn’t that far behind and there’s still tuning to come


Yeah that apparently the Diabolist hero talent was carrying the spec. Till they took it down several notches and well sorry destros.

Guess gotta wait for that last week before release . I still remember when DF was released and the entire warlock class tree was change.

I prefer Destruction, regardless of how high/low its damage is compared to Demonology or Affliction. It would be really difficult for me to pick up Affliction again. Demonology is fun as well, but I like the big nukes of Destruction.


Affliction is a spec that I think is worth playing while it’s “hot”. Demo and Destro usually take the spotlight.

But I’m an affliction main and will be playing it regardless. Specifically Hellcaller Affliction. Although I have been eyeing up a Soul Harvester Nightfall build :eyes:


people acting like a spec is unplayable because it’s down 100k dps compared to the other 2 lmfao

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Try them out and just play the one you enjoy playing the most.


In ST, Aff soul harvester is 1.42 million which is a bit higher then Demo… but in AOE Aff with both hellcaller and Soul Harvester are both very high up the dps chart

Its immobility leads to more than 100k dps loss.

Questing as Hellcaller Destro Warlock rn. Instant Immolate has been a gamechanger for me.

so position better

This is some next level stupid comment.

Most mechanics (not all before you start seething again), target you where you are and make you move.

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