So, Void Elves

I don’t want a blood elf, I want a high elf. And I can already live that fantasy right now.

However I fully am with you on adding these other things to horde, yall SHOULD get undead humans

You still have your customizations and you’re still getting more that void elves don’t have; Blizzard goes out of their way to save the best customization options for you so stop being a big baby

Blood elf females are the most played race/gender combo in the game by the most recent stats available so if you really want to be unique then you have to play something else


Newsflash, those are Blood Elves. And Horde.

We want Alliance High Elves, the ones that helped us beat the Horde in every war and never left the Alliance.


News flash. Blood Elves are High Elves.

I’d go on but there’s no reasoning with a helfer. Enjoy what you did to void elves.


I think it’s kind of a leap to consider something like this “biased”

It’s too late the damage is already done.

Blood elves even get better racials due to Horde favoritism. You can make more gold with enchanting than any other race, and you get an extra purge

Void elves get 50 percent off transmog but it doesn’t matter because their customization options are so bad it takes more than twice as much trial and error to find something that looks good (and every minute you turn into a blueberry for a few seconds which ends up momentarily ruining your mog anyway). The teleport racial cd is way too long and is only useful against like balance druids in PvP

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All the void elves were transformed. Until Blizzard decided to cave in to the helfers and start giving them blood elf customizations, at least.

And no, Blood Elves shouldn’t get Void Elf customizations, either. Certainly not the voidy stuff. If anything should be shared between them, to should just be the jewellry options.

Next we’ll be demanding to homogenize night elves and nightborne…

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Alliance have some pretty good racials themselves. Used a lot in keys. There is no favoritism in that regard anymore.

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As a night elf main I’d be okay with that; because of Blizzard’s Horde favoritism, male nightbornes already look more handsome than male night elves as of the last customization pass. You just never see them because all the people who would be playing them are already playing blood elves


Because Blizzard listened to players wanting high elves, then played corrupt a wish and gave a Walmart version of what was asked for.

They’ve been backpedaling ever since trying to undo it as much as possible.

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That’s not my experience at all.

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These engineering goggles look fantastic on a male blood elf and they look like garbage on this character for example

It’s really just one special guy in these here forums.

Spitting nothing but fax, no printer.



I expend all my mana into tears. I miss that racial. Made for really aggressive style. I understand it was removed because Mythic+ or something like that. So lame.

I made a thread ages back pointing out the exact same thing, trust me you’re not alone lol

See? :yum:

A lot of Blood Elf content that’s given now, even in story — You have a bunch of raging ‘HiGh ElVs’ and mobs in the Void Elf community screaming how it’s unfair & should be given to them as well, or ‘JUST’ them etc :roll_eyes: Obviously not all of them, however there are HEAPS that simply just want to steal the entire identity for themselves. lol

Not really.

  • Void Elves were changed on a cosmic level from Blood Elves.

  • Blood Elves simply changed their name out of political reasons at best – To honour the fallen, from their former name ‘High Elves’.

So Void Elves are different similarly to the regard of how the Nightborne are different from the Nightelves, having been cosmically altered by the Nightwell’s powers.

Now, before this ‘counter argument’ I see a lot arises, I’m going to step in early:

  • An argument I see a lot when pointing this out with Void Elves & Blood Elves is “It’s still exactly the same then! Blood Elves have a different name because of the Fel!” – which is just plain wrong … The Blood Elves namesake change wasn’t anything to do with the fel, it was to do with honouring those who fell during the invasion of Arthas & the armies of the dead (Scourge) plowing through their kingdom & desecrating the Sunwell.

That being all said …

Personally, I feel they should’ve honestly just:

  • Made Blood Elves neutral “In times of turmoil to Azeroth, this shall be the neutral kingdom to approach the Horde diplomatically.” – and then added in the void elves customisaitons to them & an NPC to change between racials.
  • Then done the same with Nightborne, under the Night Elves customisations & had them as neutral (and simply state that the Nightelves in the Horde were ‘Moonguard’ & other disconnected Night Elves from Tyrande & Malfurion, who weren’t part of the Kalimdor masses).

You have Silvermoon & Suramar as neutral cities, Blizz could’ve probably also pitched a secret faction working to mend things within the faction war in BFA or where they secretly work together to make things right (and make it a bit more ‘morally grey’ ) along with the future of having ‘Amirdrassil’ as a neutral zone not be as awkward as it is now lol

Who knows though, with the future of the ‘Return to Quel’Thalas!’ coming in the future expansions & the unification of elves etc — Such things, or similar at least: May indeed come to fruition.

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Blood Elf whining :sleeping:

Lol, irony much considering the only reason your race exists is years and years of Alliance whining and they are still whining because they aren’t exact copy/paste of ours with 1/1 customizations copied and pasted over.



Even though BE’s have a home city and better racial abilities, you whine over hair colours or something.