So, uh, Where's Vol'jin?

They often try to set up plots of importance to players at least a patch before they happen. Given how incredibly dire a state darkspear lore is in, I feel like they owe it to players to do some set up and flesh out additional darkspear characters or lore before they bring back Vol’jin, else he’ll feel very random –

“hey guys, remember me? I’m a God now!”
“Uh. K.”

So hopefully we get some meaty Darkspear appetizers soon and Darkspear heritage with New Vol’jin Flavor hot on its heels the patch after that


Kinda hoping they don’t. It would be as good a reason to fight them again as any. They are effectively the troll equivalent of the Scarlet Crusade.

Vol’jin sneepin’ 'til the plot demands he wake up and bless us as a new Darkspear Loa.

I’m a little jelly tbh, those Wildseeds be lookin’ cushy af. Let my man have the worlds most bombastic nap, he deserves it! :triumph:

Yeah they reeeeaaally need to do this. Darkspear have a ton of characters they could flesh out - Vanira, Bwemba, Zen’tabra, Gadrin, Volrath - but just never have. They’re honestly worse off in the “nobody matters outside their leader” department than the Forsaken are, which is impressive. The closest thing was Gadrin having a bit role in the BfA Vol’jin quests.

I’m unfortunately not very optimistic about the Darkspear’s future after the Zandalari stole a lot of their stuff in BfA, like Bwonsamdi being their most important loa, and how SotH talked about the Darkspear being the true inheritor of the loas’ wills while the Zandalari lost their way, but then BfA had loa all over Zandalar. It feels like the tribe’s role has been completely usurped.


Vol’jin absorbed the soul of Rezan and because of this he had to go through the ressurection process that all Loa and Wild Gods need to do in order to reincarnate.

He’s currently sleeping in a pod in Ardenweald.

But, as we learned from the furbolgs ressurecting Ursoc, that we can expidite the ressurection through worship.

I hope not. I know he got a shred of Rezan’s essence, but I don’t want Vol’jin to gain light powers. I want Shadow Hunter Vol’jin back, not troll Jesus.


He’s chilling in Echo Isles, mon!

Bwonsamdi got Vol’jin’s back, or all troll’s back, 'eh?

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Let’s face it, the only reason he’s coming back was because of the backlash to his death in Legion. You would have thought so, but the writers don’t like the Horde. The reason they don’t do anything with him is probably because the writers have no interest in the Horde. The alliance is and remains the focus of the story and will continue with the next expansion.


Well, the Darkspear are getting their Heritage Armor in 10.2.5, so I would expect him to at least show up as a spirit to have a chat. Then goes back to sleep in his seed pod until Midnight comes and the Amani will most likely be stirring up trouble.

That’s my guess.

Are they? I know that they are getting more customization options, but never heard anything about them getting their Heritage Armor with the new patch.

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Oh, you’re right. I misread the announcement. It is just customizations. Now I feel dumb.

I have to admit that I can’t help if were getting new customizations for the Darkspear and Draenei because we are getting the Heritage Armor in 10.2.7 and Blizzard is using the new customizations on NPCs involved in them.

If I mumble I can make “hair color” and “heritage” sound the same.

If they ever revamp the southern part of Eastern Kingdoms, Rokhan should become the new ruler of the Gurubashi. And Zulgrub becomes the Horde city for that expansion.