So twinks get clustered with reg players?

I’m aware, I was piggy backing off his ‘X happened in the past’ argument.

It wasn’t dead by any means when exp wasn’t awarded.

Can you guys at least admit you get a rush off of killing low geared people?

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I don’t have to answer your offtopic questions Mr. Narcissist. But staying on topic I think twinks should once again have their own bracket like they did before.

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Right and it still wont be dead with twinks in it

quote the whole context, not just what you want interpreted that fits your narrative.


They’ll never do this though we all know it’s the real reason most of them twink. I have nothing but respect though for twinks that advocate for their own bracket. They’re good players that value fair competition.

I get a rush knowing that every day that I decide to play my characters that I don’t have to worry about gear. I get my adrenaline rush off playing other players that can also hold their own whether they are twinks or not.

Narcissist? Again with the insults. Your personal attacks aren’t doing much for your argument. I asked you a simple question, if any toon was geared the way your 21 druid is, should they be viable in the 20-29 bracket leveling through.

If you can’t answer that then how do you plan to have any sort of dialog with anyone here. IF you aren’t looking for dialog, you have made your statement now move along. You continuously barking isn’t going to change anything.


Listen closely. I DON’T PLAY THIS LVL 21 TOON BUDDY. To answer your inane question would start an entirely different discussion and derail the current topic. Which is obviously your intent. Your tactic is so obvious. If I say “of course not this toon shouldn’t be at the same lvl as someone with gear” then you say “well thats what twinking is!” (which is of course a false comparison) Twinking is where you focus on getting gear and turn XP off to achieve that goal. If I say “no I don’t think gear should matter” then you say "well gear has always mattered in this game so maybe it’s just not the right genre for you! :slight_smile: " Anyways. BACK ON TOPIC: Twinks should have their own bracket like they did before.

Now who’s being self absorbed? Do you always get like this?

The topic is “So twinks get clustered with reg players”. It isn’t, however, about “should twinks be separated”. So even going by that, you derailed this thread long ago…

The simple answer to the post is…Yes


i would also hope that’s not her toon too XD

Don’t put words into my mouth (boy that narcissist comment really dug deep). Since we’re asking each other questions let me ask you one. Are you afraid of fighting other twinks? Is that why you don’t want separate queues? Also apparently you don’t understand what on topic or off topic means. Focusing on the random character I happened to post on is a derailing tactic.

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they get so defensive when the truth hits them. Its ok. They know not what they do, or they do but they do not care, about the game or others, even outside the game on these forums, they are doing forum pvp. Its expected.

Yeah I’m just bored and like watching people perform mental gymnastics. idk if it was me I’d just be like “Yeah I love destroying people with less gear. I get a nice dopamine rush everytime muhahahaha” Like own it. Instead they lie and dance around the truth. It’s quite entertaining.

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I fight twinks every day that I log in, some times less, sometimes more. Your insults don’t phase me, I just find it funny that you think that all the twinks are either horde or their all alliance. It’s as if you believe that it’s only the bg’s you are in that only you and others like you only face twinks like you don’t have any on your side as well.

I solo queue most every day and face premades almost every time. I take a whooping and give some. I certainly don’t come here with my feelings on my sleeve and complain to the high heavens.

Then post on another that is more relevant to the discussion.


Huh so you are trolling interesting. and if your bored sounds like you should quit the game

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Leveled 1-61 ( as of tonight ) with enchanted BoAs ( took about 300g and 15 minutes of my time… ) with no issues. Outplayed twinks several times. This is really just a “I’m bad at this game, let me blame X or Y for it!” issue.


Here we go again… Stop trying to tell me what to do kiddo. I can post on whatever I want it doesn’t change the fact you want to own undergeared people and are in denial. Otherwise you’d advocate for separate queues again. It’s as simple as that.

Exactly right its hillarious

Lol nice logic. If you’re ever bored irl you should quit the game… lol wut. Also no I’m not trolling. I said it’s entertaining watching you liars lie.

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