idk I think we just have different mindsets. Personally I loved templates in pvp with minimal difference in power between people. I love defeating someone and knowing that it was my skill that made the difference. Conversely I don’t mind losing to someone similar in “power” as it lets me know I need to improve. It’s a mindset difference. Some people love having an advantage. I’m just a competitive person that wants my enemies to be just as strong as I am. Hell if I twinked I’d advocate for separate queues for that reason alone. I find 0 joy in roflstompling undergeared players.
Focusing Twinks (Healers), that has been my job since birth on Azeroth.
Sometimes Mortal Strike was all I was good for.
This very character was part of the major separation of Battlegrounds.
I have experienced all eras of World of Warcraft and the changes that have been brought forward in regards to Twinking changes.
Separation is not what will solve the issues we face in current Battlegrounds.
Attention to Balance and Tuning are the answer, IMO.
if they ever bring those garbage templates back they better at least dam well make toys/bg specific items work like the av items that were useable in AV only but couldn’t work cuz of those trash templates
So then kang, in the name of balance would you like all players to be granted the same power lvl? (Using templates for example in which gear is largely irrelevant)
I think people are just leveling now because of the allied races sets, and those people are finite. They are bored with questing and dungeons and are just doing bg’s. Once they are leveled it will die off dramatically. and it will be just like the twinks had there own brackets with long azs ques, because its just not fun for leveling.
Not even just that the subs from bfa are pretty low id say even worse then WOD at least IMO
Oh so I realized something while I was making my coffee… My saying it takes roughly 12 hours to lvl is a moot point as twinks twink at the max lvl for that bracket. Meaning in the 111-119 bracket it’s the 119 twinking. Of course naturally you’d only be at this lvl for a couple hours max. So the twinking argument is that people should spend hundreds of thousands of gold and tons of time farming to be competitive for a couple hours. Ridiculous.
One thing I would like to see is the Low-end geared spectrum of players receive a baseline buff. This would have to be done in way which would not promote under gearing for stat allocation.
I could hint at Resilience being reintegrated into the lower brackets via
Magic Scaling ™ , seeing as it has recently been removed from previous sources.
Just some food for thought.
It is really nice to just queue up with anyone at anytime on any character.
I spent 8?+ years in queues that never worked, some nights we had 20+ players in queue without any pops.
111-119 you don’t even spend any money to gear tho lol
You know so much about twinking this bracket for someone that claims to not twink it
probably because i have friends.
You believe everything they tell you?
considering the fact theres a inspect button. and theres also a google button. its not hard to figure stuff out.
Also from a quick google fu it seems spamming timewalking and hoping for warforges is at least one method. Oh thats definitely a reasonable expectation to have for someone leveling up a character (which would involve turning off XP for at least part of the time and waiting for timewalking weeks).
yup timewalking is simple enough and so is having quest gear and being decent
Timewalking occurs roughly 1x a month. You expect people to wait for timewalking, turn off XP, spam them until warforge bis gear drops, just so they can be on equal footing for a couple hours at 119 before dinging?
Not really know its not that huge of an increase anyway. like i said they would probably be around maybe 70kish hp and people in the 115-119 range in quest gear have around 50-65k hp and they do just fine
You think twinks only have a slight advantage? HAHAHAH ok blocked you’re too dishonest to continue a discussion with.
lol and you say i cant read. No loss here cant fix stupid
If the character you are posting on right now is an example of one of your leveling characters in which you want to participate in bg’s and be on a level playing field, then that’s just sad.
Considering the gear your character is currently wearing, no, they would have a huge advantage over you. You have the heirlooms, why not use them?