So twinks are back in the lower bgs again

Luckily for them Blizzard doesn’t actually ban anyone anymore.

suspension ≠ ban

They’re using an addon to freeze experience I believe. And of course with some classes at low level (arcane mage and fury warrior) you don’t even need to be a twink to wreck.

It’s an exploit of how numbers work to get your character be really good requiring little effort to kill a non-twink. So an unfair advantage.

I guess they found a work around to get back into general pop, lawl.

And zero response from blizzard. Classic…

This has been happening since Vanilla. They didn’t consider it a ban then and they probably won’t do it now. They’ll just change the rules yet again. It’s a never ending cycle and levelers will always be complaining. Best bet is to out level the bracket and go into a new one OR reach max level. Problem solved.

an employee isn’t going to track you down and give you a personal update on everything you think you need to know.

Perhaps the blue responses in this thread will hold you over until the carrier pigeon arrives.


You are misunderstanding the problem.
They are using an exploit to get around a system that separates xp off players from xp on players.
This isn’t just run of the mill Vanilla twinks, they are actually abusing a bug to get matched with normal players.


The solution to the twink exploit problem: Put twinks back into the regular bracket so that both teams can expect to have them rather than only the team with dedicated cheaters.

Seperating twinks was such a stupid idea.


Oh so thats why we kept losing in bgs the other day. Kept getting teamed up against people that looked like twinks but I thought we were just terrible because that wasnt possible anymore, guess my friend was right that the enemy did have twinks. Back to leveling through dungeons only it is.

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I understand the problem clearly. I am informing those who think this issue is new that it isn’t. Twinks joining non-twink bgs has been happening since Vanilla or whenever the xp off/on function became available. Twinks would queue up with xp on and when the bg popped, they would turn off their xp before hitting except. No macro was needed at that time. This “expliot” issue was temporarily solved by having twink players join regular bgs.

See my response above. This type of bug isn’t new news. It’s already happened in the past that’s why a macro is involved. The original way no longer works.

I don’t agree that all twinks are cheaters. Twinks now put a lot of time and gold into their toons. They aim to get the BiS items to maximize their potential. Some do cheat by using speed hacks but a lot do not.
I do agree that twinks should be in the xp-on bracket due to the community size being too small to sustain their own bracket. Twinks in a xp-on bracket is a lot like a fresh 120 going up against a geared 120 in a regular bg. You either get geared up or get annihilated.


You think you do, but you don’t.

xp off didn’t exist until the Wrath pre-patch.

Blizzard “fixed” the problem, but it is now “broken” again.
It’s an exploit, and your opinion doesn’t change that.


But twinks only wanted to fight other twinks.


People who use exploits to put twinks into XP on brackets are cheaters. What I’m saying is that there should no longer be different brackets, because all that does is reward the team who happens to get more people using the exploits to get their twinks into random BGs.

Get real. Even those who are doing it openly admit it’s an exploit.

They’re breaking the macro so it doesn’t work anymore. There should be no more xp off twinks in leveling dungeons after Tuesday’s patch.


There was only one bracket until this last patch where they separated the twinks and non-twinks again. The outcome was was no different in the twinks/nontwink bgs. The team who had more twinks/ certain twinks/ 4-5 healers or hybrid twinks won the game. The only difference was in the single bg bracket, the teams were more even. (Speaking mainly from 19/29 twink bracket). Same thing happens at 120. The more geared players and healers you got, the better chances at winning. Of course working together as a team and clearing the objective helps too.

I think they are referring to PVP brackets not dungeons?

The easiest solution is just remove the xp toggle and leave xp in bgs. The toghle has been nothing but issue after issue since its inception.


I asked a question for clarification. And had you actually read further, you’d see where I even read and understood how it’s classified like that. Cut the attitude.

It’s crazy that this has to be the typical response. Nobody ever wants to admit that someone is actually better than they are.

“I lost 3 battlegrounds! I’m sick and tired of being sick and tired about twinks!”

Sometimes people really are just better than you.