So Turalyon

is mean.
horde were fighting him last night & being the nosey gnome i am, i went to have a peek.

i got smacked in the face by hammers! i ran away (bravely) and checked the “what happend to me” thing and ya it was him who hit me cause i wasn’t flagged so…
turns out he will kill his own alliance pals.
:beverage_box: :dracthyr_comfy_sip:

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Well he is an old school paladin and you are a death knight.


He knows how to dress well at least. Hopefully he smashed those horde.


was on my gnome hunter tho…
:beverage_box: :dracthyr_comfy_sip:


Which begs the question: bug, or intended? Or a bit of both, if he’s really meant to go bad and be hostile to everybody at some point, and they unintentionally enabled earlier than intended while in combat?

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Oh… maybe he just doesn’t like gnomes then.

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Lol so he goes by “in arms distance” no matter the faction. XD


idk but getting hit by him didn’t put me in combat as i miss-clicked and used the hunters camo ability while runni- performing a tactical relocation maneuver.
:beverage_box: :dracthyr_comfy_sip:

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Clearly Blizz needs to buff Death Knights because they should always win over a Paladin!

I heard Turalyon had a heart attack when he learned the Man’ari Eredar were roaming Stormwind. The Alliance then went to Dire Maul and got a spare Ogre suit that vaguely resembled him, slapped his armor on it and filled it with 1000 Mawrats. That is what is on the throne now.

nothing will stop the kings justice, not even the champion.

well except fel reavers… but thats a different story…

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You don’t carry a hammer that big around if you don’t intend to bonk someone. He’s an equal opportunity bonker.

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If you haven’t already, post this over in Bug Report. Include the actual character and as much detail as you can remember. If this isn’t supposed to be happening, they’ll need to have enough information to duplicate the issue.


Better than being punted into space?


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thats him officer! the jerk that hit me!
so much for being on the same team…

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You’re a Death Knight. He’s a zealot of the Light.


i was on my gnome hunter…
soooo yup, he’s a meaniepants
:beverage_box: :dracthyr_comfy_sip:

Now he’s racist against Gnomes, too?! :scream:

Bad Turalyon! Bad!

hits with newspaper