Most ideas have been pretty awful. I know how RC works im not new to lock or aff. While RC may be more bursty its still not as bursty as instant damage.
Yet you still havent made a good suggestion yet.
Then you are in your feelings as its still centered around dots as MR damage is increased by more dots. I also find it funny that the people who want Aff to be pure dot damage are also the same people complaining about having to manage SL.
No. I am going to address each individual point. Dont like it dont respond.
Nah, it’s not feelings, it’s literally written incorrectly in the specialization window. They need to either fix the theme, or make it undisputable.
Viability =/= underperforming. On every fight minus silken court it is in the bottom third or worse of the dps specs (on mythic), that’s underperforming as whole for the raid. Interestingly enough, is that I would also consider affliction unviable for queen ansurek progression; in actuality, you’re actively trolling your raid if you play aff on queen during progression. Having a spec be completely unviable (or actively harming your raid) is just rediculous for an end boss. Before you try and say it is viable, it’s not – you are losing out on important damage breakpoints in p2 where you cannot actively help your raid.
No, this has nothing to do with the damage amp, it has everything to do with wither being overbudgeted as destruction at the moment. As somebody that helped outline the rain of fire single target profile for destruction (that’s currently ahead in 11.1 I might add), it’s absurdly over budgeted and destruction has weaker burst than affliction at the moment.
Sure, but the fact that it isn’t completely concrete in its designation for the spec is the issue I’m getting at.
You don’t seem to like dots period. Why are you even playing aff?
Wait lemme try answering you the way you seem to do : " this is just your personal opinion. You are wrong, i am right. Because i decided it." Well here ya go friend. I’ve decided u are wrong just “cause” the same way u decided you are the only person whose opinion is correct on something everyone collectively agrees on.
Sorry if your snowflake syndrom is flaring up. You might be a master at gaslighting and breaking down arguments but u still haven’t provided a single piece of evidence to any of your points. " we need burst, we need burst" …no we need better mechanics.
Its not feelings but it being based on dot damage when using dots to empower MR isnt using dot damage.
I dont disagree. When in the HISTORY of the game has every spec been viable on every end game boss?
Some specs just arent going to be ideal for a high end progression in all situations. Its why the majority of CE and higher raiders tend to play 2 or all 3 specs of the class they play. I legit only know one player who ONLY plays destro and he plays it at a top level.
Thats the situation for a lot of specs as they are focused on in game issues over descriptions. Just look at the MM changes and people getting mad over losing the pet.
Basic level insults and misdirections don’t work on me friend. We’ve given you the benefit of the doubt, nothing you said was coherent and your opinion is already made.
Being a bigot when multiple people have tried reasoning with you to no avail speaks more about your character than anything you’ve said so far.
Over the span of an entire patch cycle? probably 2 times in my memory (survival on sarkareth and affliction on jailer). Affliction has the lowest representation in the past 7 years on end bosses out of any spec currently (survival is closest).
EDIT: WOOPS, I meant those were the only 2 times in my memory where every spec wasn’t viable. Ever since I’ve been raiding in the top 40 world (about 6-7 years now) it’s actually a huge anamoly when every spec isn’t viable. Ironically enough, affliction has been shafted the most.
Yeah, you’re making my point for me, having weak thematic elements that don’t match your in game description is what’s causing so much outrage – people picked hunter to have a pet, they massively failed on that front.
Yes, of course, but you don’t leave a spec out in the cold this unviable in raid for years at a time for high end progression it’s just bad practice. There’s gotta be a way to make it so the niche for affliction isn’t as restrictive as it is, I mean shadow priest has even been more viable than it while having a stronger dot focus in the past few years.
Malefic Rapture turned the spec into a mini destro and it’s not fun. You can fully DoT a target and it all depends on this stupid spell to do damage because your dots tick for next to nothing.
We’ve seen how you handle credibility, the same way you handle everything else. Bigotry.
If you think you were having a debate with magni then you’re more delusional than i thought. From a 3rd perspective it’s just magni being nice trying to reason and explain to a person with dunning krueger the pov that’s been echoed time and again.
Magni’s too nice with idiots.
Edit: if u think i’m being too harsh on you then let me explain something.
In the time when us as consumers should band together to change something which most considered flawed, there is always one rotten cookie that thinks its smarter than all the other cookies and tries to defend blizzard’s bad design decisions with off-the top debates that don’t seem to make any sense. It’s people like these that end up creating tension between an otherwise united community, yet blizzard doesn’t even have the decency to hire a warlock dev and consistently makes backhanded changes with poorly thoughtout ideas based on some whim or metric most people can’t figure out. The class yoyos between muddied states where things are always " in the right direction but never truly there", this has to stop.
I wont disagree that affliction has been historically one of the worst specs for viability and that needs to change.
The only thing about MM that says anything about a pet is the class description. The pet isnt mentioned at all in MMs description. I also dont play hunter because of the pets.
I dont disagree that affliction needs some changes. However I will disagree that dots and a filler spam is the anwser.
You arent parsing anything at level 11. Hence why you have no credbility.
You should probably stop using worlds you dont understand the meaning like bigotry.
If you think I care what an opinion of someone with zero credbility, lol
Is that why hes nice to you?
Im not soft. I generally dont care what people say on these forums, let alone some hypocrite that hides on an alt.
IM not defending blizzards design, I am pointing out the need for burst which is why they have MR. You clearly dont even understand my points but not unexpected. People hide on alts for a reason.
I’m well aware you don’t care about any other opinion but your own, you’ve made that very clear.
Not that it matters, not a single person in this thread seems to be backing you up on your claims, if one person disagrees that’s debatably forgettable, two then it warrants discussion, three+ it’s no longer one sided and there are two justifiable opinions. Right now which one are you?
Affliction needs God right now, and I think everyone who has mained Warlock for the past seven years agrees on one thing: Malefic Rapture has ruined Affliction’s profile and gameplay for current content.
Having DoTs that tick for next to nothing to align DoT management for a button to do most of your damage by a longshot feels horrible to play. I think a lot of people would be happy to atleast feel happy to funnel Drain Soul between DoT ticks like the spec is designed around Nightfall.
The argument of opinion is one thing but let’s look at why we are here typing on the forums… You can check “Warlock” in general and what is the blame on EVERY post? Malefic Rapture is the #1 blame for almost every Forum post for this spec.
The spec just feels like a chore to play when you can watch other specs not have as much APM to play. This has already been addressed amongst other classes while Affliction has been the known least cared about spec when it comes to complete overhaul. They always Aura buff the class or change the talent tree around the problematic Malefic Rapture spell and it’s not working out.
You should probably stop because thats not actually true.
Thats because the majority of the players on the forums arent very good at the game. The forums are a minority of the playerbase and if you want the closest data point it would be the warlock discord.