So thrall is no longer a shaman?

We got thralls weapon and it was… an axe. An incredibly generic axe. He also can no longer cast at all. Since he no longer can command the elements and it looks like he will just be hitting people with an axe, i guess he’s a warrior now, not a shaman.

Which sucks because Thrall was our only relevant shaman. Shamanism tends to take the back seat most of the time in terms of magic in wow, and it appears that trend will continue, despite the plethora of new shaman races (4 new shaman races total), we still likely will get no new major shamans.


Maybe he just repeced enhancement?
I don’t see how an axe is really an indication of something.


It doesn’t seem to be portrayed that way.

Also I don’t remember seeing his weapon if you have a link/source I would gladly take a look.

I guess we won’t know until testing Baine’s scenario.

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Thrall has an axe, and it’s not Gorehowl? :worried:


Doomhammer was an enhancement weapon.


I guess they really are going for the whole, he lost command of the elements shtick…

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Well, he used to melee as an elemental shaman. Trying to go two-handed enhancement sounds like the kind of thought process he’d follow.


Probably thought it doable after Arthas proved Frost DKs can use 2 Handers.


In Arthas’s defense, I think frost DKs could use two-handers back then. Blizzard was trying that “all three specs can DPS and tank” thing at the time, and dual-wielding was meant to just be an option on top of that.

RIP 2h frost though. Frostmourne was ruined as an artifact because of dual-wielding.


Muh cold heart… muh class fantasy…


So to manage the balance in faction power houses they made one of your biggest, if not our biggest, ticket get depowered. Genius.

All that said, I wouldn’t read too much in to his weapon type. We really have very little to go on it guess Thrall’s power level at this point.


Is the scenario testable on PTR? I thought it wasn’t in this build. Where’s footage of Thrall coming from?

But I don’t think weapon would mean anything. They have to give him something since the shaman player still has Doomhammer.

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The general consensus regarding the lore weapons is that they ended up enshrined in their respective order halls after getting the juice sucked out of them to halt the corruption of Sargeras’ sword, but I don’t think there’s been an official word on what was done with them.

“thrall was our only relevant shaman.”

Rehgar tries not to cry, cries alot.


I think it is really unlikely that Blizzard will present him as anything other than a shaman. I suspect he will be weaker than his peak. But, he will have power. Keep in mind, he was going to be trying to figure his crap out (again), and some time has passed. So, it is likely he has at least made some progress getting his shaman back on.

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Dude, rehgar didnt even exist ingame until legion, and the only reason he was added to hots was the fact they made his kit for thrall, then decided it didnt fit thrall and had no other important shaman characters to give it to.

I repeat, rehgar only got into HoTS because there were no big shamans other then thrall.


Probably he will have his powers back, he is since Legion in a emotional crisis that don’t let him wield his powers. He thinks that the elements don’t want to grant him powers, but the true is that he can’t use his magic because all the guilt and negative feelings he is carrying right now.

Rehgar screams in existential anguish.


That is not actually true. There are other shaman in the lore. Lots of them. Rehgar was the next they thought of. He is an orc, so that is not surprising. Just because he came in behind Thrall does not mean he was the only other one.