So... those Company Suicide Allegations?

Correlation does not equal causation. She had mental illness and for reasons of her own chose that time to commit suicide.

oh yes. she did. BUT this did NOT help her at ALL…

By the same logic Zoe quinn murdered Alec Holowka.

It won’t stick, has no bearing on the case other than to prove her superior was harassing her.

You do realize some of the people working there were in charge at blizzard when this was all happening right? Whether they were perpetrators or not, they were complicit in not doing their job in the first place which led to this.

We can’t ask her anything about it, she’s dead.

But nevertheless this is a good opportunity for gaming companies like Blizzard and others show they are willing to lift their game on the treatment of women, and I wouldn’t see anything wrong with that.

Pretty much sums it up for me.

If we cant ask her then why are so many people assuming and speculating about the situation? They are trying to create evidence to justify their mindset of guilty until proven innocent.

The lawsuit is also talking about womens pay, and focusing on CEO’s when there are different levels of CEO which pay differently.

They are looking at things through the lens of equity, which was also stated in that demands letter. Equity is bs. 2 different jobs shouldnt have the same pay. Thats some communist bs.

If there is improper treatment of women, then that should be addressed, just like if there is improper treatment of men that should be addressed as well. But people dont give a damn about men and the court system is rigged against men, especially family court.

Oh? What right’s do men have in the family court?

Family court has unwritten rules and you can ask any lawyer that has worked in family court. “In the best interest in the child” are the special words. Like the Sophie case, this little girl doesnt want to be around her mother, at all. Or her boyfriend because of several reasons given to the court. But the court is still highly supportive of the mother getting the child even though there might be some sexual abuse going on. This little girl wants to be with her father, but that doesnt actually matter in family court because the mother gets preferential treatment. Almost always.