Welp since it needs to be pointed out in clearer terms.
The new trend seems to be that female sexyness = bad. Bowl of fruit, more covered up female NPCs, zero new skimpy transmogs, etc.
At the same time, dev time is spent on creating the male incubus, which is sexualized on steroids. Yes, it’s an incubus, it should be sexy. That’s not the point though.
The point is that it’s weird someone in the office is giving orders “cover up the females,” while at the same time, orders are being given to “make a sexy AF male pet.”
I’d like for Blizzard to do what ZOS did for the old outfits in ESO. Would really like to see an HD remake of some of the old vanilla staples: the AQ40 robes, Jade Plate and its recolors, and the warbear woolies come in the form of [insert whatever current expansion it is] questing gear.
They should know these grody textured pieces are still popular, and he incubus existing (as well as some pieces from SL) is proof they’re still cool with skin.
We just don’t see the metal bikinis anymore because all gear is “set gear”. Unless you play a shaman or a DH where being scantily clad is often part of the motif, you hardly get those options anymore. Think about all the skimpy armor pieces. They weren’t part of tier (used loosely here) were they? You’ll have cleavage in your caster greens, slits in your leather pants, but we no longer have the giant catalogue of different styles that Vanilla and TBC had.
If you could point a finger at when “bikini armor died” it was Wrath. When they cut down the appearances from overworld gear down to a handful of sets.
No war on women’s bodies; it’s about making as few pieces as possible to fill the reward table.
I can meet you half-way, on this.
Still, the latter of me choosing to appeal to your desires, I don’t find to be objectification. But, that’s still an opinion. That being said, there still is a fine line between the two.
I never felt Blizz was objectifying women. I think Blizz took the safe route, created both sexy and covered up gear and put the decision, in the player’s hands.
There are a lot of female NPCs that are dressed more reserved compared to the ones that are not. I believe Jaina has always been one that dressed more “covered up” like, even Tyrande & Lillian Voss. OFC, there are many lesser known female NPCs and characters that are dressed more reserved like Commander Garrick.
But, the main focus is always on Sylvanas & Alexstraza. Vanessa Van Cleef is (also) debatable. The Succubus, as well.
I quest out in the open world, a lot. So many of the female NPCs are “covered up”.
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Theya re. She looks horrible now. They ruined the sexiness that was Alexstraza
She doesn’t look like a edited Sylvanas anymore. I think her current look is fine for Dragonflight. Still skimpy in some areas but more dressed in something that fits the title of Dragon Queen
And, what characters wear doesn’t determine if I like them as a character.
Never cared for Sylvanas, Tyrande, Jaina, etc. The only like “main” female character I actually like is Vanessa Van Cleef. Other than that, I tend to gravitate towards more “lesser known” characters like Commander Garrick.
Not that this is at all relevant to the topic but it did pique my interest. I get not liking the Big 3 woman leads for various reasons. By why do you like Vanessa? No idea who Garrick is so I doubt I’d even understand your reasoning for liking him.
I think Garrick is a star wars character.
Edit: Nevermind there’s a star wars garrick and a wow one. Don’t mind me
Having actually played through the Westfall storyline and seeing the mistreatment of the homeless by SW and only Vanessa cared about it and even assigned/spared you, after she successfully destroyed Sentinel Hill because you helped her feed the homeless.
Screw SW! Team Vanessa all the way!
I linked to Commander Garrick’s WoWhead, already:
She’s the main lead character, for the Alliance’s version of Exile’s Reach.
Agree for the most part but new Alexstrasza is 300% better imo. The bikini was just a reused body model, this one looks so nice and she still isn’t covered up
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Like I said, I actually go out into the world and quest. So much story out there.
LOL. I guess “story” is a fine reason to like a character. I just read books for story and play wow for dungeons. Practical Guide to Evil is the best story ever written.
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I’d totally join the Defias Brotherhood, under Vanessa, if she’ll have me. Unfortunately, she honored her word and said “next we meet will be as enemies”
I wonder if thats just the art but her facial features look much different than in game.
I still don’t get why female leads inherently need to be dressed sexy to have the acceptance of their male fanbase.
Like, what, the Victoria Secret model physique, billowing neon red hair, perma-makeup, actual glowing magical eyes and plate armour thigh highs don’t sate you? You made a textwall complaining about them hiding her non-existent abs and rear?
At some point, you know, you can just consume fan media and complain less.