So this might be a touchy subject but the Incubus

Let me start off with I have ZERO problem with this hot slab of demon meat blizzard has designed for those who are into that type of thing and honestly it is a welcomed thing because what fair is fair right? and by that I mean if women can be sexy so can the males in this game and hey fair game its all good in my book!..

But then I want to circle around to the ‘fair’ part, in this day of age I am surprised that model even made it into the game and if you compare it to some other things in wow OH BOY i mean yes, a game, yes, a demon but crazy sexualized? 100%…So what is the problem with females also being sexy in the game?

You remove paintings from the game (haha i know dead horse meme) and cover up Alexstrasza and even sylvanas who prides her self in being beautiful and sexy covered up her stomach, Skimp mogs in general do not exist (for females OR MALES) or rather no new ones have been seen and seem to be in some way a subject blizzard will not even touch.

So why is it females have to be claded up covered and ‘shamed’ because they are beautiful/sexy in this day of age of wow yet we can have an over sexualized demon running around and we have to go “cool” because it is in line with 'the message" why can’t women also feel sexy/pretty and yes, like this demon thing is surely gawked at by someone out there who is into that, be gawked at…Fair is fair yes?

And again to be 100% clear I love the model and have zero issues with it, just wondering the whole thought process on this.


They aren’t. But if they’re giving the model an update why would they make it look the same? That’s not fun. And for goodness sake, Alexstrasza is still wearing thigh highs with exposed hips in the dragonflight key art! She’s hardly joining a convent here!


Still covered more then she was. You are right the same old can be a none fun subject, but they could have also gone the more sexy route but they covered her more. Not a convent for sure but its still all the same - More covered is more covered.

To counter your picture.


You can have characters maintain a theme AND have them show less skin. Just because their model was drawn up by a guy with questionable morals doesnt mean the company has to keep it.


“Fair” does not and will never exist in the real world (unless in the trivial cases of zero or one person), unfortunately or fortunately depending on who you are, what you want, and what everybody else wants.


They don’t have to.

You do you. I have no issue with lewd fan art. But it isn’t as cool as the official.


“Official” then? aside the first one i linked being more high res…its pretty official because both pictures she has the same outfit on.


I feel like you’re fishing for some kind of “Gotcha!” response from me. I’m aware of her old model. I think the new design is cooler.


I mean her new model she is covered up more. Her arms, chest and stomach are covered and her underwear isn’t showing either but have the drape things in the front and back. Not sure wat the issue is.

And I love that you love the model! <3 that is awesome and hey I do to! but that wasn’t the point of what I posted my post was in regards to why in THIS DAY OF WOW is it cool to put out an amazon, awesome, sexy lewd demon boy model for those who love it to gawk at, but as a woman be ashamed or cover up or unable to be sexy without it either: I am judged for being a woman or men are judges for looking?

Neither should be what is FAIR is FAIR. you seemed to just, over look that.


The incubus is thematically on point.
Being sexy is kind of its whole deal.

There isnt really a thematic reason for female characters to show off lots of skin.
Especially if they are meant to be in combat.
An exposed stomach is just begging for a sword to stab it.


I don’t know what all this has to do with the Incubus. You’re saying how come they add a sexy man but cover the females. Have you seen the Succubus ? She wears underwears.


Im just gonna take that photo for research purposes. Yes research!


The succubus is also one of the few untouched things in wow, as it is part of the original design for the pet but yes, you are right we can give a point to the succubus.

but you would figure again in todays wow neither would be aloud let alone a new model like it introduce after they went on the cover up and change all female paintings to fruit crusade.

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LOL must examine deeply there are 10 things wrong with that photo come back when you find them

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Ill give it a thorough examination

I mean if you want a female equivalent I’ve got good news for you!

No one is doing that to you. You can dress your character as you please. You can hide every piece of gear except your pants if you want to! The main story characters though aren’t yours. They’re blizzard’s. And just like you’re free to dress your character how you want, so to are the designers free to dress the story characters any way they want. And conversely, are free to not dress them in a way they don’t like.


I’m personally hopin’ they start to move away from ‘everything must either be full body robes or hunks of metal’ armah design they’ve been sticking to the last couple expansions. I’m a Gladiatah! They ain’t known for being fully armored!

One of my favorite D&D identities is being a Berserker, and there’s plenty of examples in fantasy of a lady being barely armored (let alone clothed) yet going around with a big ol’ sword or axe and being a BA.

I want thats!


You will be in your bunk no doubt


Well you gotta be comfy when you spend long hours doing very important research